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  Daisy: What was your favorite May Golden Week?
  Tony: Oh that’s easy. It was the year I went on a tour of Beijing with my cousins.
  Daisy: Awesome! Were you part of a tour group?
  Tony: Well, we were considering that, but my cousin is a really experienced traveler, so he planned everything out and acted as our tour guide.
  Daisy: Cool. How many of you were there?
  Tony: Four of us; me and three cousins. Two boys and two girls.
  Daisy: ①I bet that was amazing. What places did you see?
  Tony: We were really organized beforehand. We all sat down and researched online which places we wanted to see and even bought travel books and maps.
  Daisy: Wow, ②you went all out!
  Tony: Well, ③we wanted to make the most of it. My cousin wrote up lists of all the costs and we booked tickets and hotels as early as possible.
  Daisy: That’s right; ④you want to get in early before everything is sold out. How did you get there?
  Tony: We took the overnight train.
  Daisy: That was a good idea. I think airfares at that time of year would have been expensive.
  Tony: Yes, they were. But the train wasn’t any problem at all, once ⑤we got on board we all slept most of the trip.
  Daisy: Yeah, I get the train when I travel to my hometown. Sometimes it gets pretty crowded, but if you are lucky you can have a nice, smooth journey. So, what places did you visit?
  Tony: Well, first on our list was the Forbidden Palace. It was absolutely beautiful and so much bigger than I expected.
  Daisy: I bet you took lots of photos.
  Tony: We sure did. The next day we went to the Great Wall.
  Daisy: Of course, no trip to Beijing is complete without going there.
  Tony: That’s right. It was my highlight of the trip. We walked for a few hours along the wall. It was quite crowded, but I was so excited to be there I really didn’t care.
  Daisy: I hope you had a day to rest after that.
  Tony: Yes, we did actually. The next day ⑥we just took it easy and ⑦hung out in the hotel. We were exhausted.
  Daisy: Did you get to see Tian’anmen?
  Tony: Yeah. That last couple of days we saw a few other temples and the Ming Tombs and Tian’anmen Square. Of course, ⑧the girls made sure we did some shopping too.
  Daisy: ⑨Sounds like you had a full-on schedule!
  Tony: It was very busy, but it was well worth it.
  Smart Sentences
  ① I bet that was amazing. 我想那肯定很好玩。
  I bet/I’ll bet: expression used to indicate that you are sure something is true(用以表达你对某事非常有把握). 例如:
  I bet John will be there tomorrow.
  ② You went all out! 你们真是很用心。
  go all out (to do sth./for sth.): make the greatest possible effort (to do sth./for sth.)(竭尽全力做某事). 例如:
  They are ready to go all out to defend the champion.
  ③ We wanted to make the most of it. 我们想充分利用这次机会。
  make the most of sth.: get the maximum use or advantage from sth.(充分使用某事或某物). 例如:
  Joe can always make the most of anything available.
  ④ You want to get in early. 你们想尽早拿到。
  get in early: do sth. early(尽早做某事). 例如:
  Early birds get the worm. You will always have the advantage if you get in early.
  ⑤ Once we got on board… 我们上车后……
  get on board: get into a train, ship or aircraft(上火车、船、飞机). 例如:
  After three hours of waiting, we finally got on board the train.
  ⑥ We just took it easy. 我们很放松(不紧不慢)。
  take it easy: relax and not do too much at all(放松,从容不迫),also “take things easy”(也作take things easy). 例如:
  It is best to take it easy once in a while.
  ⑦ hung out in the hotel 在酒店逗留
  hang out: spend time in a particular place(在某个地方逗留,闲逛). 例如:
  I like to hang out in supermarkets.
  ⑧ The girls made sure we did some shopping too. 和女孩们一起少不了会买些东西。
  make sure: take action so that sth. is done(采取行动,确保某事发生). 例如:
  Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully.
  ⑨ Sounds like you had a full-on schedule! 看来你们的行程安排得满满的!
  full-on: in the strongest or most extreme way possible(极致的). 例如:
  Both presidential candidates started their full-on attacks on each other.
身在职场中的朋友可能都知道一次产品推介会议是多么的重要。还好,Stephanie不负众望。但即使是成功签约了,也不能说明这个推介会是完美无缺的,要想在以后的工作中有更优异的表现,会后总结检讨当然必不可少。    Mr. Black: ①We signed off on the deal this morning, so I take it the meeting went really well.
有读者来信诉苦,说去超市时不知道如何用英文跟人沟通。我们的特约撰稿人Mitch特地为大家准备了有关超市的锦囊妙句,大家可要记牢了,下次去超市就可以大胆说出口啦!    我们要不要推个手推车,还是拿个篮子就行了?  Do we need a 1)trolley or a basket?    请问你能去冷冻食品通道那里帮我拿些雪糕吗?  Can you please get some ice-cre
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1 Nylonkong纽伦港    Meaning: an acronym[首字母缩略词] of New York City, London and Hong Kong. The term first appeared in the January 28th, 2008 issue of Time magazine commenting on the success of the three ci