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  Mr. Black: ①We signed off on the deal this morning, so I take it the meeting went really well. ②The client had nothing but nice things to say about you.
  Stephanie: ③I think I touched on all the important features, but ④the product really speaks for itself, so ⑤there wasn’t much work on my part.
  Mr. Black: No need to be so modest. If you didn’t have excellent product knowledge, the whole thing could have fallen through. That is one of your strengths in business meetings. You can always win over the clients simply by discussing the product. But I would like to review the whole meeting. ⑥Were there any areas注 where you fell short?
  Stephanie: As you said, the latter part of the meeting went smoothly, especially in contrast to the earlier part. It took a while for the client to develop an interest in our company.
  Mr. Black: Did you give him a breakdown of Action Company?
  Stephanie: Yes. ⑦But I got the impression he wasn’t that into it. ⑧He really perked up when we moved on to talking about the digital camera itself.
  Mr. Black: I see.
  Stephanie: I guess if I were to review some of my shortcomings, it would be to gauge the client’s response to my speech and then move on if there seems to be a lack of focus. Maybe, I can condense the introduction?
  Mr. Black: Or just hand him a brochure of the company outline and key facts and let the client peruse it in his or her own time.
  Stephanie: Great idea. There is a reason you are in charge around here, Mr. Black.
  Smart Sentences
  ① We signed off on the deal this morning. 今天早上我们已经签订了合同。
  sign off: finish by signing(最终签署)。例如:
  Tomorrow’s activities include signing off on the agreement and a celebration reception.
  ② The client had nothing but nice things to say about you. 客户对你只有赞美之辞。
  had nothing but nice things to say… = said only nice things…
  nothing but: only(除……之外,仅仅)。例如:
  The printer does nothing but make noise all day.
  ③ I think I touched on all the important features. 我想我谈到了关于我们产品所有重要的特点。
  touch on sth.: mention briefly about sth.(提及或谈及某事)。例如:
  Mr. Smith usually touches on all areas of the matter. Be prepared.
  ④ The product really speaks for itself. 产品本身非常不错。
  sth. speaks for itself: sth.’s quality is so obvious that it needs no further explanation(不说自明)。例如:
  The figures speak for themselves; we are in a great year.
  ⑤ There wasn’t much work on my part. 就我来说并没有做多少工作。
  on sb.’s part: what sb. does(某人所做的)。例如:
  I consider this is negligence on your part.
  ⑥ Were there any areas where you fell short? 有没有哪里你觉得不足的?
  fall short: not meeting the expectations or a required goal(达不到标准或要求)。例如:
  Organizational skills are where I always fall short.
  ⑦ But I got the impression he wasn’t that into it. 但给我的印象是他好像不太感兴趣。
  be into sth.: very interested in sth.(对某事非常感兴趣)。例如:
  I’m into the new design.
  ⑧ He really perked up… 他才真正兴奋起来……
  perk up: lively, showing interests, especially after feeling tired or bored(重新振作起来,活跃起来)。例如:
  You need to perk them up a bit during the speech.
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信用卡是救世主吗?    从2007年初美国的次按危机,到2008年9月美国第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟破产,华尔街一片萧条。然而不仅仅是美国,远在大洋彼岸的冰岛,这个以高福利著称、无数人向往的北欧国家,也不可避免地卷入这场金融海啸。面对全线崩溃的经济,冰岛总理破天荒地指出让世人震惊的“国家破产”的可能性。“国家破产”第一次进入普通老百姓的视线。究竟,这场轰轰烈烈的金融海啸缘起几何?看似遥远的它,跟老百
提起超人、超能力,相信很多人都会两眼发光,因为这两个词里面隐含的神秘力量着实让人神往,以至于这类题材的漫画和电影经久不衰。如今,世界科技发展日新月异,我们眼中不可思议的超能力,很多已经不再是“Mission Impossible”。到底科技如何将superpower为常人所用,并且用得其所呢?Come and join our discussion.    October Topic  Host:
巴拉克恐新症    Meaning: negative feelings about U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama, particularly those based on racism or unfounded rumors.   2008美国大选已经到了最紧张的阶段,民主党的非裔总统候选人巴拉克·奥巴马无疑是这场选战中最具争议的人物。其名字从
希拉里克林顿这篇退选演讲早已是无人不知,无人不晓。如果你对政治不感兴趣,你有可能被她精彩的演讲感染;如果你对演讲也不感兴趣,那你还可能被她女性的柔媚所打动。希拉里在这次演讲中对奥巴马的赞美之词,简直无以复加。谁能想到几个星期前,两人还在互相攻击。希拉里对着电视公开说“Shame on you, Barack Obama”。不能不让人感叹政治家的灵活抑或是善变。不管怎样,希拉里凭着这样一次精彩演说,
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