中国美术家协会第六次全国代表大会于2003年12月3日至5日在北京隆重召开。这次会议是自1998年9月第五次美代会召开5年来中国美术界的又一次盛会。 第六次美代会由各省、市、自治区美协和中直系统、部队等单位经民主推举代表共计371人,因病、因事请假16人,实到代表355人。从事美术各门类创作、工作的代表齐全,其中妇女、少数民族、民主党派和无党派代表占有一定比例,具有
The Sixth National Congress of Chinese Artists Association was held in Beijing from December 3 to December 5, 2003. This meeting is another grand gathering of Chinese fine arts industry since the Fifth Congress of Congress was held in September 1998. The 6th Congress was sponsored by representatives of the U.S., provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the U.S. Artists Association, the Central China Straightening System and the armed forces in a total of 371 people. Of the 371 people who were sick, 16 were on leave and 355 were actually represented. Engaged in various categories of art creation, work on behalf of complete, in which women, minorities, democratic parties and non-partisan representatives occupy a certain percentage, with