目的:评价3D打印头颅模型用于口腔放射科X线根尖片教学中的效果。方法:选择10名志愿者,随机平均分配至3 D打印教学组和对照组。经口腔放射科带教老师实操演示,对10名志愿者进行根尖片分角线投照拍摄方法的教学。3D打印教学组在对照组基础上增加3D打印模型的教学环节,两组志愿者教学时长均为2 h。收集志愿者1周内所拍摄的上颌磨牙区根尖片并进行评价,对比分析两组志愿者根尖片拍摄质量。结果:3D打印教学组拍片成功率为83.1%,高于对照组74.2%,二者比较差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。上颌磨牙区,失败原因最多见于投照区域不当,其次为水平投照角度不当、牙片摆放错误,最少见为垂直投照角度不当。结论:3D打印模型应用于口腔放射科教学之中可有效提高口腔医学生的上颌磨牙区根尖片的拍摄质量。“,”Objective:The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of 3D printing craniofacial model in periapi-cal radiography training.Methods:Ten volunteers were assigned equally to 3D printing group(3D group) and control group. All of the volunteers were trained with the bisecting angle technique to make periapical radiographs conventionally.Addition-ally,3D printing craniofacial model was used in the 3D group.Both the two groups were trained for 2 hours.Results:The suc-cess rate of 3D group was 83.1%,which was higher than the control group of 74.2%.There was statistical significant differ-ernce between the two groups.Conclusion:The periapical radiography quality in maxillary molar region can be improved when 3D printing craniofacial model was used in the training of stomatological students.