NGB智能电视操作系统(NGB TVOS)是广电实现终端标准化、智能化的关键技术,而安全可控是NGBTVOS的重点研究内容。本文详细介绍了TVOS采用的应用签名方案,通过开发者自签名、运营商签名、多级证书结构等手段共同保证了TVOS应用安装的数据完整和来源可靠,可有效阻止未授权、未认证的应用在TVOS上安装使用。
NGB TVOS (NGB TVOS) is the key technology of terminal standardization and intelligence for radio and television, and security control is the key research content of NGBTVOS. In this paper, the application signature scheme adopted by TVOS is introduced in detail. By means of self-signature, operator’s signature and multi-level certificate structure, TVOS ensures the complete and reliable data of TVOS application installation and effectively prevents unauthorized and unverified applications Install on TVOS.