杂交鲶是在鲶鱼人工繁殖成功的基础上 ,根据杂交组合优势的原理 ,以怀头鲶 (♀ )的生长速度和鲶鱼 (♂ )肉质细嫩的优良性状 ,通过种间杂交培育出的生长迅速、肉质鲜美的杂交鲶鱼新品种。杂交鲶的抗病力较强 ,套养时由于放养密度较稀很少发病 ,但在集约化养殖条件下 ,由于养殖
Based on the successful breeding of catfish, the hybrid catfish grows rapidly through intercross hybridization according to the principle of hybrid combinations and the excellent growth traits of catfish (♀) and delicate catfish (♂) A delicious new breed of hybrid catfish. Hybrid catfish disease resistance is strong, due to raising stocking density less rare disease, but intensive farming conditions, due to culture