1 6月1日美国农业部生猪报告上周五(6月31日)美国农业部公布了6月1日的生猪报告(表1):这一数据似乎较去年同期变化不大。行业没有扩张或缩小,一直保持稳定。我们预计在未来几个月看不到变化。大量扩张母猪群的能力和可能性都不大。那些已经购买饲料的生产者需要几个月时间的赢利才能达到正常状态。养猪业正在等待更低的饲料价格以达到真正的盈利。美国农业部上周公布的谷物报告为盈利能力的调整提供了信心。
1 June 1 USDA Hog Report Last Friday (June 31) USDA released the Hog Report on June 1 (Table 1): This figure does not seem to have changed much from the same period last year. Industry did not expand or shrink, has remained stable. We do not expect any change in the coming months. There is not a lot of capacity or possibility to expand a large number of sows. Those who have already purchased the feed will need months to make a profit before they reach their normal condition. Pig industry is waiting for lower feed prices in order to achieve real profitability. The U.S. cereal report released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture last week provided confidence in the adjustment of profitability.