我厂生产的12CrNi3钢制连杆,是局部渗碳处理,需要采取防渗措施,我们配制一种防渗碳涂料,经试验效果良好,可用以取代原来的镀铜防渗法。涂料配方及使用方法:选用硼砂和氧化铜为主要防渗剂,填充料为滑石粉,防沉淀剂为膨润土,其配比为:硼砂(Na_2B_4O_7·10H_2O) 76%氧化铜(CuO) 10%滑石粉(3MgO·4SiO_2·H_2O) 10%膨润土(Al_2O_3·4SiO_2·H_2O) 3%碳酸钠(Na_2CO_3) 1%
I produced 12CrNi3 steel connecting rod is a partial carburizing treatment, the need to take impermeable measures, we formulated a carburizing coating, the test results are good, can be used to replace the original anti-seepage of copper plating. Coating formulation and application method: borax and copper oxide are selected as the main anti-seepage agent, the filler is talcum powder and the anti-settling agent is bentonite, and the ratio is as follows: borax (Na 2 B 4 O 7 · 10H 2 O) 76% copper oxide (CuO) 10% talc Powder 3MgO · 4SiO 2 · H_2O 10% bentonite (Al 2 O 3 · 4SiO 2 · H 2 O) 3% sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3) 1%