【Abstract】This paper focuses on discussing how to translate tourism slogans from the perspective of eco-translatology so that we can achieve high-quality translation that can effectively spur foreign tourist arrivals to the tourist destinations in China.
【Keywords】Eco-translatology; tourism slogan; translation
I. Introduction
Tourism slogans are designed to market the tourist destinations and get the target audiences’ buy-in for the tourism-related products or services. It is an important way for tourism operators to show tourists the image of tourist destinations and the charm of tourism products, services or experiences. With the acceleration of globalization and the deepening of China’s opening up to the outside world, international exchanges have become more and more frequent. It is predicted by World Tourism Organization that China will become the number one tourist destination in the world by 2020. Thus it is very important to focus on the discussion of translation of tourism slogans from the perspective of eco-translatology because creative and attractive tourism slogans are effective marketing tools of tourist destinations which will attract the target audiences to develop interests in them as ideal holiday destinations.
II. An Overview of Eco-translatology
Eco-translatology is an ecological approach to translation studies or translation studies from an ecological perspective that can be interpreted as the study of translation by adopting ecological concepts. It was first proposed by Professor Hu Gengshen, a well-known domestic scholar, based on the theory of “translation as adaptation and selection” (Hu 2004). Translation is defined as “as a translator’s adaptation and selection activities in a translational eco-environment”. The translational eco-environment includes the worlds of the source text and the source and target languages, the linguistic, cultural, and social aspects of translating, as well as the author, client, and readers. Professor Hu holds the opinion that the process of translating is a production of target texts by ‘natural’ selection via the translator’s adaptation to the eco-environment and the translator’s selection of both the degree of the adaptation and decisions about the form of the final target text in terms of the Darwinian principle of natural selection. He puts forward “the adaptive selection and selective adaptation” translation principle as well as “the multi-dimensional transformation” translation method, that is, adaptive transformation from the linguistic, cultural and communicative dimension. III. Text Analysis of Tourism Slogans
With an aim to promoting positive identities for the tourist destinations, tourism slogans are used to popularize the physical beauty of these destinations or the positive experiences travellers can expect to have there. These slogans have two common linguistic and stylistic features. Conciseness and clearness are the prominent linguistic features of tourism slogans. The concise and clear slogans can make it easy for travelers to recite and remember them. Typical examples are Shanghai’s “New Shanghai, New Feeling(新上海,新感受)”, Zhangjiajie’s “Oriental Fairyland, Zhangjiajie (张家界:东方仙境)” and Hainan’s Sunny Hainan, Vocation Paradise( 陽光海南,度假天堂) and so on. Another linguistic feature of Chinese tourism slogans are more frequent use of adjectives and nouns, because they are mostly focusing on the description of the beautiful scenery and splendid culture of the tourist destinations which will arouse the tourists’ yearning for visiting them and buy-in for tourism-related products, services or experiences. Tourism slogans “Hohhot, the well-known and Evergreen City along the Silk Road( 呼和浩特:丝绸名都、四季青城)” , “Xi’an, the Birthplace of Chinese Civilizations (西安:一带山水盛宴,一路华夏奇观) , and “Hefei, a Modern Great Lakes City, a Beautiful Garden City (合肥:一座现代化的大湖名城,一座美丽的城市田园)” are best examples.
IV. Translation of Tourism Slogans under the Guidance of Eco-translatology
1. Adaptive Transformation from the Linguistic Dimension
Adaptive transformation from the linguistic dimension refers to the translator’s adaptive transformation of the language form in the translation process, which is carried out in different aspects and at different levels. Because of the different ways of thinking and expression in English and Chinese and tourism slogans have their own unique characteristics, it should fully consider the overall ecological environment of translation when translating tourism slogans, make an adaptive transformation from the linguistic aspect. The tourism slogans characterized by conciseness, clearness and uniqueness are designed to display and shape vivid and lively images of tourist destinations as well as tourism-related products or services. When translating tourism slogans, we should keep it in mind and produce an translation that is faithful to the original in meaning and smooth and idiomatic in expression in target language.
Case 1: 山水洲城、品质长沙、文明高地、幸福家园欢迎您!
Translation: A Great City with Great Landscape! A Happy City with Friendly People! Welcome to Changsha! Case 2: 天府成都,一座来了就不想离开的城市。
Translation: Tianfu Chengdu, a City You Never Want to Leave.
Comment: In the above-mentioned two cases, the original slogans are concise and clear in structure and colloquial in form. In order to make the translated texts retain the colloquial style of the original which are more acceptable to the target audience, the translators reconstructure the orignal sentences and make some transformation from the linguistic aspects in translation. The translated versions fully display Changsha’s and Chengdu’s charm and glamour as well as the friendly and hospitable people in these two beautiful cities.
2. Adaptive Transformation from the Cultural Dimension
Adaptive transformation from the cultural dimension requires translators to pay attention to the entire cultural system of the source language and the target language in the translation process, and to equivalently convey and interpret the cultural connotations of the original into the target text. When translating tourism slogans, because of the cultural differences between the source language and the target language, appropriate selective transformation from cultural aspects should be made in order to avoid misunderstanding caused by these cultural differences.
Case 3: 無徽不成镇——徽文化令你生活更精彩。
Translation: Ancient Huizhou Culture, Wonderful Anhui.
Case 4: 广东馆:金色骑楼, 绿色生活。
Translation: Guangdong Pavilion, Guangdong Qilou, Green Life.
Comment: Case 3 is a Anhui Pavilion’s slogan in the Shanghai World Expo, which aims to accurately convey the emblem culture of Anhui Province. If it is translated as “The core culture of Anhui”, it only emphasizes the cultural center of Anhui, and cannot express the essence of Anhui culture. The above translation “Ancient Huizhou Culture, Wonderful Anhui” accurately impresses the world like a living painting with Anhui’s splendid culture, one of best known regional cultures in China. In Case 4, “骑楼” (special local structure) is directly transliterated into “Qilou”. With relevant pictures and explanations in the exhibition hall, this transliteration is acceptable to foreign visitors and is also a good opportunity to promote the unique culture of Guangdong to the world.
3. Adaptive Transformation from the Communicative Dimension
Adaptive transformation from the communicative dimension requires the translators to pay attention to communicative intentions in translation in addition to the conveyance of the meanings and transmission of cultural connotations of the orignal. It is quite important that the translation accurately conveys the communicative intention of the original slogan, and plays a big role in attracting foreign tourists’ attention, arousing their interests and inducing them to visit the tourist destinations. Case 5: 桂林山水甲天下。
Translation: East or west, Guilin landscape is best.
Case 6: 南昌:中国水都,鄱阳明珠
Translation: China’s Venice, a Sparking Pearl of Poyang Lake.
Comment: Case 5 is a tourism slogan for Guilin landscape in Guangxi Province. In China, it is well-known that Guilin is renowned for its beautiful mountains and clear waters. The famous slogan “ 桂林山水甲天下!” publicize Guilin’s beautiful landscape to the public, who will be attracted to visit it. In order to achieve the goal that the target text will be able to produce functionally the same effect on the target readers as the original on the readers. Modeled after the proverb “East or West, home is best.”, which is familiar to Western audiences, the translator translate the famous slogan into “East or west, Guilin landscape is best!”, which is concise in structure and beautiful in pronunciation, successfully propagates Guilin fantastic scenery to the world. In Case 6, the translator compares Nanchang to Venice, a beautiful city in northern Italy which is very famous because it is built on many islands and it looks like it is built on water. The use of comparison in the translated text facilitates the promotion of the amazing scenery of Nanchang to the foreign tourists.
V. Conclusion
In summary, tourism slogans are composed to market the tourist destinations and get the target audiences’ buy-in for the tourism-related products, services or experiences. Translating tourism slogans from the perspective of eco-translatology can achieve high-quality translation that convey the original meanings and rich cultural connotations, and effectively attract foreign tourist to visit the tourist destinations in China.
[4]吕政. 跨文化视域下的旅游广告翻译研究[J].上海翻译,2016(1).
[5]邹丹.从目的论视角看旅游广告语的翻译[J].南华大学学报, 2013(4).
【Keywords】Eco-translatology; tourism slogan; translation
I. Introduction
Tourism slogans are designed to market the tourist destinations and get the target audiences’ buy-in for the tourism-related products or services. It is an important way for tourism operators to show tourists the image of tourist destinations and the charm of tourism products, services or experiences. With the acceleration of globalization and the deepening of China’s opening up to the outside world, international exchanges have become more and more frequent. It is predicted by World Tourism Organization that China will become the number one tourist destination in the world by 2020. Thus it is very important to focus on the discussion of translation of tourism slogans from the perspective of eco-translatology because creative and attractive tourism slogans are effective marketing tools of tourist destinations which will attract the target audiences to develop interests in them as ideal holiday destinations.
II. An Overview of Eco-translatology
Eco-translatology is an ecological approach to translation studies or translation studies from an ecological perspective that can be interpreted as the study of translation by adopting ecological concepts. It was first proposed by Professor Hu Gengshen, a well-known domestic scholar, based on the theory of “translation as adaptation and selection” (Hu 2004). Translation is defined as “as a translator’s adaptation and selection activities in a translational eco-environment”. The translational eco-environment includes the worlds of the source text and the source and target languages, the linguistic, cultural, and social aspects of translating, as well as the author, client, and readers. Professor Hu holds the opinion that the process of translating is a production of target texts by ‘natural’ selection via the translator’s adaptation to the eco-environment and the translator’s selection of both the degree of the adaptation and decisions about the form of the final target text in terms of the Darwinian principle of natural selection. He puts forward “the adaptive selection and selective adaptation” translation principle as well as “the multi-dimensional transformation” translation method, that is, adaptive transformation from the linguistic, cultural and communicative dimension. III. Text Analysis of Tourism Slogans
With an aim to promoting positive identities for the tourist destinations, tourism slogans are used to popularize the physical beauty of these destinations or the positive experiences travellers can expect to have there. These slogans have two common linguistic and stylistic features. Conciseness and clearness are the prominent linguistic features of tourism slogans. The concise and clear slogans can make it easy for travelers to recite and remember them. Typical examples are Shanghai’s “New Shanghai, New Feeling(新上海,新感受)”, Zhangjiajie’s “Oriental Fairyland, Zhangjiajie (张家界:东方仙境)” and Hainan’s Sunny Hainan, Vocation Paradise( 陽光海南,度假天堂) and so on. Another linguistic feature of Chinese tourism slogans are more frequent use of adjectives and nouns, because they are mostly focusing on the description of the beautiful scenery and splendid culture of the tourist destinations which will arouse the tourists’ yearning for visiting them and buy-in for tourism-related products, services or experiences. Tourism slogans “Hohhot, the well-known and Evergreen City along the Silk Road( 呼和浩特:丝绸名都、四季青城)” , “Xi’an, the Birthplace of Chinese Civilizations (西安:一带山水盛宴,一路华夏奇观) , and “Hefei, a Modern Great Lakes City, a Beautiful Garden City (合肥:一座现代化的大湖名城,一座美丽的城市田园)” are best examples.
IV. Translation of Tourism Slogans under the Guidance of Eco-translatology
1. Adaptive Transformation from the Linguistic Dimension
Adaptive transformation from the linguistic dimension refers to the translator’s adaptive transformation of the language form in the translation process, which is carried out in different aspects and at different levels. Because of the different ways of thinking and expression in English and Chinese and tourism slogans have their own unique characteristics, it should fully consider the overall ecological environment of translation when translating tourism slogans, make an adaptive transformation from the linguistic aspect. The tourism slogans characterized by conciseness, clearness and uniqueness are designed to display and shape vivid and lively images of tourist destinations as well as tourism-related products or services. When translating tourism slogans, we should keep it in mind and produce an translation that is faithful to the original in meaning and smooth and idiomatic in expression in target language.
Case 1: 山水洲城、品质长沙、文明高地、幸福家园欢迎您!
Translation: A Great City with Great Landscape! A Happy City with Friendly People! Welcome to Changsha! Case 2: 天府成都,一座来了就不想离开的城市。
Translation: Tianfu Chengdu, a City You Never Want to Leave.
Comment: In the above-mentioned two cases, the original slogans are concise and clear in structure and colloquial in form. In order to make the translated texts retain the colloquial style of the original which are more acceptable to the target audience, the translators reconstructure the orignal sentences and make some transformation from the linguistic aspects in translation. The translated versions fully display Changsha’s and Chengdu’s charm and glamour as well as the friendly and hospitable people in these two beautiful cities.
2. Adaptive Transformation from the Cultural Dimension
Adaptive transformation from the cultural dimension requires translators to pay attention to the entire cultural system of the source language and the target language in the translation process, and to equivalently convey and interpret the cultural connotations of the original into the target text. When translating tourism slogans, because of the cultural differences between the source language and the target language, appropriate selective transformation from cultural aspects should be made in order to avoid misunderstanding caused by these cultural differences.
Case 3: 無徽不成镇——徽文化令你生活更精彩。
Translation: Ancient Huizhou Culture, Wonderful Anhui.
Case 4: 广东馆:金色骑楼, 绿色生活。
Translation: Guangdong Pavilion, Guangdong Qilou, Green Life.
Comment: Case 3 is a Anhui Pavilion’s slogan in the Shanghai World Expo, which aims to accurately convey the emblem culture of Anhui Province. If it is translated as “The core culture of Anhui”, it only emphasizes the cultural center of Anhui, and cannot express the essence of Anhui culture. The above translation “Ancient Huizhou Culture, Wonderful Anhui” accurately impresses the world like a living painting with Anhui’s splendid culture, one of best known regional cultures in China. In Case 4, “骑楼” (special local structure) is directly transliterated into “Qilou”. With relevant pictures and explanations in the exhibition hall, this transliteration is acceptable to foreign visitors and is also a good opportunity to promote the unique culture of Guangdong to the world.
3. Adaptive Transformation from the Communicative Dimension
Adaptive transformation from the communicative dimension requires the translators to pay attention to communicative intentions in translation in addition to the conveyance of the meanings and transmission of cultural connotations of the orignal. It is quite important that the translation accurately conveys the communicative intention of the original slogan, and plays a big role in attracting foreign tourists’ attention, arousing their interests and inducing them to visit the tourist destinations. Case 5: 桂林山水甲天下。
Translation: East or west, Guilin landscape is best.
Case 6: 南昌:中国水都,鄱阳明珠
Translation: China’s Venice, a Sparking Pearl of Poyang Lake.
Comment: Case 5 is a tourism slogan for Guilin landscape in Guangxi Province. In China, it is well-known that Guilin is renowned for its beautiful mountains and clear waters. The famous slogan “ 桂林山水甲天下!” publicize Guilin’s beautiful landscape to the public, who will be attracted to visit it. In order to achieve the goal that the target text will be able to produce functionally the same effect on the target readers as the original on the readers. Modeled after the proverb “East or West, home is best.”, which is familiar to Western audiences, the translator translate the famous slogan into “East or west, Guilin landscape is best!”, which is concise in structure and beautiful in pronunciation, successfully propagates Guilin fantastic scenery to the world. In Case 6, the translator compares Nanchang to Venice, a beautiful city in northern Italy which is very famous because it is built on many islands and it looks like it is built on water. The use of comparison in the translated text facilitates the promotion of the amazing scenery of Nanchang to the foreign tourists.
V. Conclusion
In summary, tourism slogans are composed to market the tourist destinations and get the target audiences’ buy-in for the tourism-related products, services or experiences. Translating tourism slogans from the perspective of eco-translatology can achieve high-quality translation that convey the original meanings and rich cultural connotations, and effectively attract foreign tourist to visit the tourist destinations in China.
[4]吕政. 跨文化视域下的旅游广告翻译研究[J].上海翻译,2016(1).
[5]邹丹.从目的论视角看旅游广告语的翻译[J].南华大学学报, 2013(4).