伊斯兰的装饰美学 伊斯兰教经典《古兰经》的各章,都以这样的圣句开始:“寓意于大慈大悲的安拉的尊名之中。”诚然可以说,伊斯兰教的工艺美术也是在这一尊名中诞生的。尤其值得注目的是,在伊斯兰教的寺院及神庙等建筑中,一般很难看到绘画或雕刻等真正足以代表造型艺术的作品。这是因为,在其教祖的言行录《圣训》(Hadith)中曾规定:禁止膜拜神像,並禁止把人物以及鸟兽之类作为一种礼拜的对象来
Islamic Decorative Aesthetics Each chapter of the Qur’an in the Islamic classic begins with a holy phrase: “Almighty meaning Allah of Merciful.” It goes without saying that Islamic art and craft is also in this respect Name was born. Particularly noteworthy is that in Islamic temples and temples and other buildings, it is generally difficult to see such paintings or engraving truly represent the work of plastic art. This is because, in its religious ancestor Hadith, it was stipulated that it is forbidden to worship idols and to prohibit the use of characters, birds and beasts as objects of worship