满怀着 20世纪后期中国改革开放、奋发图强的豪情,铭记着党和人民的重托,肩负着新时期赋予的历史使命,我们和全国人民一道,迎着朝阳,沐浴着春风,迈步跨入了新世纪。 我们不会忘记,一年前,当 2000年的新年钟声敲响的时候,神州大地举国欢腾,普天同庆,迎接新世纪的
Full of the pride of China’s reform and opening up and its courageous efforts in the late twentieth century, bearing in mind the trust entrusted to the party and the people and shouldering the historic mission entrusted by the new era, we, together with the people throughout the country, are battling the sunrise and taking a bumper into the new century . We will never forget that a year ago, when the New Year’s clock in 2000 sounded, the whole country enjoyed the joy of all over China and celebrated all over the world to greet the new century.