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上世纪80年代末,为适应山区普及艺术教育之需要,长江师范学院美术学院的前身涪陵师专美术系诞生了。涪陵师专美术系最初设置美术教育专科,以培养九年制义务教育初级中学美术教师为宗旨,是原四川省较早招收美术类专业学生的高等院校之一。美术系成立之初即秉承“学术结合、学以致用、服务乡梓”的办学理念,多年来,形成了以讲、范、辅为特色的教学方法,培育了一大批扎根地方、乐于奉献、勇于开拓的美术专业人才。历经20余年的风雨历程,筚路蓝缕,在几代同仁的共同努力下,迎来了学院乘风破浪的发展机遇,美术系也因此得以发展壮大。发展之途2001年涪陵师专升格为长江师范学院,2002年设置了美术学本科专业,2003年设置艺术设计专业,并于此后陆续开设视觉传达设计、数字媒体艺术、景观设计、产品设计、服装与服饰设计、雕塑等7个本科专业。目前,美术学院有美术学专职教师59人,其中教授6人、副教授19人、讲师34人,获得博士、硕士学位的教师46人,已逐步形成了一支结构合理、能力较强的教师梯队。为了加快美术学科建设和美术专业集群建设的步伐,学校在教 In the late 1980s, in order to meet the need of popularizing art education in the mountains, the Fine Arts Department of Fuling Teachers College, the predecessor of the Fine Arts Institute of Changjiang Normal University, was born. Fuling Teachers College of Fine Arts initially set up art education specialist, to cultivate nine-year compulsory education junior high school art teacher for the purpose, is the original enrollment art students in Sichuan Province, one of the higher institutions of higher learning. Over the years, the art department has formed a teaching method featuring lecture, education and secondary education, cultivated a large number of rooted places, and are willing to take root Dedication, the courage to open up the art professionals. After more than 20 years of trials and hardships, the road has gone a long way. With the joint efforts of several generations of colleagues, the School has taken the opportunity to take advantage of the wind and waves. As a result, the fine arts department has grown stronger. The development of 2001 Fuling Teachers College was upgraded to the Yangtze River Normal University, in 2002 set the art of undergraduate majors, in 2003 set up the art of design, and after that set up visual communication design, digital media art, landscape design, product design, clothing And clothing design, sculpture and other seven undergraduate majors. At present, there are 59 full-time art teachers in fine arts academies, including 6 professors, 19 associate professors, 34 lecturers and 46 teachers who have received doctoral and master degrees. A well-structured and capable teacher echelon has been gradually formed . In order to speed up the construction of fine arts disciplines and professional art cluster construction pace, the school is teaching
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采用正常发育48 hpf的转基因斑马鱼为实验动物,以氯霉素处理引起免疫抑制,分别加入25.0~200.0 mg/L的芦笋多糖、6.25~ 100.00 mg/L的芦笋皂苷,处理24 h,观察各组斑马鱼的发育情
布尔迪厄从社会学和人类学的视野,把艺术创作及其社会影响,当成权力关系不断进行运作的动态性场域(le champ en mouvement),同时也把审美品味(le gout esthetique)当做一种可