A lot of us take the highway home every day, and our next homeowners actually did. They took 600,000 pounds of concrete and steel and recycled it into their very own home.
This is the leafy suburb of Lexington, but on one corner of this historic Boston suburb, you’ll find a home with an unusual past. It was built out of an old highway, but not just any old highway. This house was recycled from the leftovers of America’s costliest and most complex highway construction project. “The Big Dig,” as it was called, tore down a highway in downtown Boston and built a tunnel in its place. Paul and Cristina Pedini are civil engineers. Paul worked on the Big Dig.
Paul: We had been directed to remove pieces of the Big Dig on behalf of the state, and they suggested to us that we would put them in a landfill and they’d pay us to do it, and I suggested that maybe they give us the materials and save the money. We needed a house, so, put two and two together.
…and got six levels, a 1)sumptuous kitchen, a two-story living room, two bedrooms, a working studio, two bathrooms and a Japanese garden on top of the garage. In all, 4,200 ft2 of luxury supported by 30 steel beams and by 13 2)slabs of concrete 3)salvaged from the old interstate.
Paul: We get the people that just walk in and go“Wow!”, and they get it. And then there’s other people that walk in and shriek because they can’t believe that you leave pipes exposed and “What’s that cement up there, that concrete?” They’re horrified by it.
The massive 4)wide flange beams allow the kitchen to cover an incredible 1,200 ft2 without any supporting walls. You’d never find that in a regular house.
Up on the next level is the two-story great room, all held up by recycled bits of the Big Dig.
Paul: This beam is one of the largest beams you can buy. Its former life it was a 5)strut inside the tunnel. So these guys actually were put between the tunnel walls as we were building them, and held them from coming in, so this, having performed that duty, was cut apart and painted and put in the house. Now it’s holding the floors up.
But one man’s road is another man’s ceiling, and Paul knows where every last piece of that ceiling came from.
Paul: This is the 6)cantilevered pieces of the slabs. This is one of the places where you can see, on the underside of the slab, the identification marks for each of the slabs when they functioned as parts of the I-93 roadway, and you can also see stamps up there telling you where they were bought, where they were made. It centers around the fact that these materials aren’t just material. They’re a pre-fabricated product, and what you’re doing when you crush them up and throw them away, is you are 7)squandering all of that labor that was originally put into that piece. It has a lot to do with who’s controlling the materials. You know, in our case, I was fortunate enough to…to be the person who was tasked with throwing it away.
What an incredible home! Not only is it a 8)prototype of how to recycle heavy materials, but it’s also a great example of what you can recycle if you put your mind to it.
The Big Dig即波士顿中心隧道工程(The Central Artery/Tunnel Project ,简称CA/T),主要是把原来纵贯波士顿市中心的地面高架路改为长约5.6公里的地下隧道。工程从上世纪的1991年开始动工,直到本世纪的2007年12月结束。这个旷日持久的城市改造工程被当地人称为“Big Dig(大挖掘)”。这是美国历史上规模最大、耗资最多、工期最长的城市交通道路改造项目,在造价与工期上都是史无前例的,官方公布的工程费用为146亿美元。
This is the leafy suburb of Lexington, but on one corner of this historic Boston suburb, you’ll find a home with an unusual past. It was built out of an old highway, but not just any old highway. This house was recycled from the leftovers of America’s costliest and most complex highway construction project. “The Big Dig,” as it was called, tore down a highway in downtown Boston and built a tunnel in its place. Paul and Cristina Pedini are civil engineers. Paul worked on the Big Dig.
Paul: We had been directed to remove pieces of the Big Dig on behalf of the state, and they suggested to us that we would put them in a landfill and they’d pay us to do it, and I suggested that maybe they give us the materials and save the money. We needed a house, so, put two and two together.
…and got six levels, a 1)sumptuous kitchen, a two-story living room, two bedrooms, a working studio, two bathrooms and a Japanese garden on top of the garage. In all, 4,200 ft2 of luxury supported by 30 steel beams and by 13 2)slabs of concrete 3)salvaged from the old interstate.
Paul: We get the people that just walk in and go“Wow!”, and they get it. And then there’s other people that walk in and shriek because they can’t believe that you leave pipes exposed and “What’s that cement up there, that concrete?” They’re horrified by it.
The massive 4)wide flange beams allow the kitchen to cover an incredible 1,200 ft2 without any supporting walls. You’d never find that in a regular house.
Up on the next level is the two-story great room, all held up by recycled bits of the Big Dig.
Paul: This beam is one of the largest beams you can buy. Its former life it was a 5)strut inside the tunnel. So these guys actually were put between the tunnel walls as we were building them, and held them from coming in, so this, having performed that duty, was cut apart and painted and put in the house. Now it’s holding the floors up.
But one man’s road is another man’s ceiling, and Paul knows where every last piece of that ceiling came from.
Paul: This is the 6)cantilevered pieces of the slabs. This is one of the places where you can see, on the underside of the slab, the identification marks for each of the slabs when they functioned as parts of the I-93 roadway, and you can also see stamps up there telling you where they were bought, where they were made. It centers around the fact that these materials aren’t just material. They’re a pre-fabricated product, and what you’re doing when you crush them up and throw them away, is you are 7)squandering all of that labor that was originally put into that piece. It has a lot to do with who’s controlling the materials. You know, in our case, I was fortunate enough to…to be the person who was tasked with throwing it away.
What an incredible home! Not only is it a 8)prototype of how to recycle heavy materials, but it’s also a great example of what you can recycle if you put your mind to it.
The Big Dig即波士顿中心隧道工程(The Central Artery/Tunnel Project ,简称CA/T),主要是把原来纵贯波士顿市中心的地面高架路改为长约5.6公里的地下隧道。工程从上世纪的1991年开始动工,直到本世纪的2007年12月结束。这个旷日持久的城市改造工程被当地人称为“Big Dig(大挖掘)”。这是美国历史上规模最大、耗资最多、工期最长的城市交通道路改造项目,在造价与工期上都是史无前例的,官方公布的工程费用为146亿美元。