Comes Great Responsibility

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  If you take a cross-country 1)trek looking for the best barbecue in America and wind up in, I don’t know, Texas, North Carolina, Kansas City, our next contributor would say, you’ve taken a wrong turn. Consider Los Angeles—specifically Koreatown—where he thinks 2)Bulgogi Beef might just be the best. “But,” says Miles Bryan,“customers first need to know how to order.”
  Miles Bryan: So I’m new to Los Angeles, and there are a lot of things that I still don’t get about the city. But something that’s really caught my attention is the shiny plastic button you find on the tables of practically every Korean barbecue joint around here. That called for some 3)field
  David Chang: So, when I press a bell, there’s a table number two, and number two will show up right there.

  Bryan: David Chang is a waiter at 4)Park’s BBQ in Koreatown. They’ve been around for over 10 years and are a 5)mainstay in the neighborhood. Chang says those buttons are basically just a 6)paging system. You ding it to get your server’s attention. Sounds simple but...
  Chang: No, a lot of people ask—they’re, like,“What does this do?” Or sometimes they press it, and I go there and they’re, like, “Oh, I didn’t know that was what it was for.” I was, like, “Oh, so you just pressed it?”
  Bryan: They might have been tourists because the 7)Angelenos I talked to said these call buttons are just part of eating Korean barbecue. Still, nobody seemed to know where they came from or why they’re so popular. So I called David Kang, head of the Korean Studies Institute at 8)USC. I figured they must be a Korean thing—turns out, not really.
  David Kang: These call buttons are relatively new. In Korea, it is still common that when you want something, you just yell “9)yogigo”, or “here”, “over here” and you wave your arm, right? And then they come running over, and they’re, like, “what do you want?”

  Bryan: Kang says these buttons are more of a phenomenon in Koreatown than in Korea. They only started showing up in the last few decades when nonKoreans started to venture into K-town restaurants. Kang says that they’re a way to bridge the gap between American and Korean dining cultures.
  Kang: The American internal logic is your waiter comes over, they introduce themselves, they’re friendly, they keep checking up on you. The Korean logic is, you’re there to eat, and you—they don’t bother you until you call them over.   Jake Ayers: We’ll do the 10)Gal
  bi ribs, and we’ll also probably get some 11)pork belly...
  Bryan: Jake Ayers is a tourist. He’s down from Seattle. He hadn’t even noticed the call button on his table, but when I told him how it worked, he thought it was a good idea.
  Ayers: I think it makes sense. Yeah. If you need to get someone’s attention, and you don’t necessarily want to flag them down like this, then, you know, you could be a little bit more elegant and just push a button.
  Bryan: Ayers gave the call button a try for the first time during that meal, then he tried it again...
  Ayers: I think I might just do it one more time while you’re here. Let’s see what happens.
  Bryan: Maybe not. David Chang, the waiter at Park’s BBQ, has this advice for K-town 12)newbies. Definitely hit the call button when you need something, but then just wait. Don’t hit it again.

  如果你横跨全国、艰难跋涉地去寻求美国最好的烤肉,会在哪里找到呢,我不知道,德克萨斯州,或是北卡罗来纳州,又或是堪萨斯城,我们的下一个知情人会说,你又白跑了一趟。想想洛杉矶——特别是韩国城——他认为那里的韩国烤牛肉也许才是最好的。“但是,”迈尔斯·布莱恩说道,“顾客们首先需要知道怎么点餐。”迈尔斯·布莱恩: 因为我初到洛杉矶,对于这座城市,我还是有很多东西并不了解。但如果真的有什么东西吸引了我的注意力,那便是你可以在这里几乎每家韩国烤肉店的桌子上发现的锃亮的塑料按钮。那需要我们去实地调查一番。大卫·张:是这样,当我按铃的时候,那儿会显示一个二号桌,而二号桌的信号就会在那里出现。
趋同进化  不同的物种——甚至在进化上相距甚远的物种,如果生活在条件相同的环境中,有可能产生功能相同或十分相似的形态结构以适应环境。例如哺乳纲的鲸和海豚、爬行类的鱼龙等由于长期生活在水中,因而进化出与鱼类相似的体型;澳大利亚的袋食蚁兽、非洲的土豚、亚洲的穿山甲和南美洲的食蚁兽都具有相似的生活方式和适于捕食白蚁的相似生理结构。此种现象被称为趋同进化(convergent evolution)。  H
马蒂斯与毕加索同为20世纪现代艺术的巨擘,你可能更熟悉后者的名字,而对前者知之甚少,但以马蒂斯为首的野兽派画家却引领了上世纪的绘画大革命。马蒂斯在现代艺术的领域探险,形成了形色简约、愉悦和谐的野兽画风。其作品中耀眼跳动的画面、恣意而又明朗的画风,营造出一个个野兽派的伊甸园。而这一切都源自于法国南部的一个小镇带给他的灵感。一起去听听其中的故事吧。  The first time I saw a pi
Love me tender  Love me sweet  Never let me go  You have made my life complete  And I love you so  *Love me tender  Love me true  All my dreams fulfill  For my darling I love you  And I always will*  
朱莉·皮尔(Julie Peel),出生于法国戛纳,创作型歌手。朱莉打小就是一个向往独立和自由的孩子,五岁起她便独自出去骑车或钓鱼,惹得家人担心,但正是这种独立的精神深深地影响了她之后的创作。朱莉发行于2009年的首张个人专辑《Near the Sun》便是反映了其真实态度及心境的一张专辑,从录音、到混音、再到后期制作全由朱莉一手包办,可见其实力绝非一般,本期推荐歌曲便是此张专辑的同名主打歌曲。 
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Oh, to be in England Now that April’s there, And whoever wakes in England Sees, some morning, unaware, That the lowest boughs and the brushwood 1)sheaf Round the elm-tree 2)bole are in tiny leaf, Whil