砂仁是我国著名的“四大南药”之一,为姜科豆蔻属多年生草本植物,以其干燥成熟果实入药,在我国有1 300多年的药用历史,其性味辛、温,归脾、胃、肾经,具有化湿开胃、温脾止泻、理气安胎的功效,中医用于治疗湿浊中阴,脘痞不饥,脾胃虚寒,呕吐泄泻,妊娠恶阻,胎动不安等症[1]。另外,
Amomum villosum is one of the famous “four major southern medicines” in our country. It belongs to the perennial herb of ginger cardamom. Its medicinal properties are dry and ripe fruit. It has over 1,300 years of medicinal history in our country. Spleen, stomach, kidney, with dampness and appetizers, warm spleen diarrhea, qi tocolysis effect, the Chinese medicine for the treatment of wet cloudy in Yin, ruffian not hungry, spleen Deficiency, vomiting diarrhea, pregnancy resistance, fetal movement Uneasy embolism [1]. In addition,