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瞄准偏差和光束抖动是光束瞄准系统中的两个最重要的误差。对以高斯光束和高斯抖动为基础的光束瞄准目标时产生的光回波信号进行数学建模;结合极大似然估计算法理论,建立并完善了基于回波信号的光束瞄准误差估计模型;并编写程序实现了Monte Carlo模型仿真,搭建了实验室平台。仿真和实验结果表明,极大似然估计算法表现出了优良的性能,能够同时准确地估计出瞄准偏差和光束抖动,信号样本越大其估计精度越高,且实验结果和仿真结果吻合得很好。在此基础上,根据实时偏差估计实现了实验室光束闭环瞄准实验。 Aiming errors and beam jitter are the two most important errors in the beam aiming system. Mathematical modeling of the optical echo signal generated when the beam based on Gaussian beam and Gaussian jitter aiming at the target is taken. Combined with the theory of maximum likelihood estimation algorithm, the beam tracking error estimation model based on echo signal is established and improved. Writing a program to achieve the Monte Carlo simulation model, set up a laboratory platform. The simulation and experimental results show that the maximum likelihood estimation algorithm shows good performance, which can accurately estimate the aiming deviation and beam jitter at the same time. The larger the signal samples, the higher the estimation accuracy, and the experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results it is good. On this basis, the real-time deviation estimation is used to realize the closed-loop aiming experiment in the laboratory beam.
在掌握严密的逻辑推理与灵活的思维方式的同时,运用反例教学亦十分重要,反例教学是帮助学生反驳和纠正错误的有效方法,是学生理解数学概念、巩固所学知识、提高解题能力的有效途径,是学生创见性学习的有力武器.  一、运用反例,深化概念的理解  数学概念是学好数学的基础,是学生后续学习的必要条件.在学生学习数学概念的过程中,常常遇到一些易错的概念,教师要善于运用反例教学,将概念的易错点、注意点给学生呈现出来,
在学习椭圆的过程中,初学者往往由于对概念理解不全或忽视某种情形而导致误解.现就同学们易出现的常见误区归纳剖析,以避免再出现类似错误,  误区之一:忽视椭圆定义  例l 平面内一点M到两定点的距离之和为F1(0,-4)、F2(0,4)则点的轨迹为( )  (A)椭圆 (B)圆 (C)直线 (D)线段  错解:根据椭圆的定义M点的轨迹为椭圆,故选(A).  剖析:在椭圆的定义中,点M到两定点F1、F2