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  In one of a series of memorable advertisements for which it has become 1)justly famous, 2)Federal Express noted that: “Waiting is frustrating, 3)demoralizing, agonizing, 4)aggravating, annoying, time consuming and incredibly expensive.” It is a common experience that a two-minute wait can feel like nothing at all, or can feel like forever. We must learn to influence how the customer feels about a given length of waiting time.
  Occupied Time Feels Shorter Than Unoccupied Time
  As William James, the noted philosopher observed: “Boredom results from being attentive to the 5)passage of time.” A more 6)colloquial version might be “A watched pot never boils.” The truth of this proposition has been discovered by many service organizations. In various restaurants, it is common practice to hand out menus for customers to 7)peruse while waiting. Apart from shortening the perception of time, this practice has the benefit of shortening the service time, since customers will be ready to order once they are seated, and will not 8)tie up table space making up their minds.
  People Want to Get Started
  One of the other virtues of handing out menus, providing methods of service-related 9)time-fillers, is that they convey the sense the service has started: we know that you are here. Again, I appeal to common experience to reflect the fact that one’s anxiety level is much higher while waiting to be served than it is while being served, even though the latter wait may be longer. There is a fear of being forgotten.
  Anxiety Makes Waits Seem Longer
  In the cases cited above, the anxiety was about whether or not one had been forgotten. Anxiety can, however, come from other sources. Nearly everyone has had the experience of choosing a line at the supermarket or airport, and then standing there worrying that he had chosen the wrong line. As one tries to decide whether to move, the anxiety level increases and the wait becomes intolerable. This situation is covered by what is known as 10)Erma Bombeck’s Law: “The other line always moves faster.” Is there anyone who has not had the experience of choosing a line at the supermarket or airport and worrying that we had, indeed, chosen the wrong line?
  Uncertain Waits Are Longer Than Known, Finite Waits
  The most profound source of anxiety in waiting is how long the wait will be. A good example of the role of uncertainty in the waiting experience is provided by the appointment syndrome. Clients who arrive early for an appointment will sit contentedly until the scheduled time, even if this is a significant amount of time in an absolute sense. However, once the appointment time is passed, even if it’s a short wait, the client grows increasingly annoying. The wait until the appointed time is finite; waiting beyond that point has no knowable limit.
  Unexplained Waits Are Longer Than Explained Waits
  On a cold and snowy morning, when I telephone for a taxi, I begin with the expectation that my wait will be longer than on a clear, summer day. Accordingly, I wait with more patience because I understand the causes for the delay. Similarly, if a doctor’s 11)receptionist informs me that an emergency has taken place, I can wait with greater 12)equanimity than if I do not know what is going on. The explanation given may or may not 13)exculpate the service provider, but it is better than no explanation at all.
  Unfair Waits Are Longer Than Equitable Waits
  One of the most frequent 14)irritants mentioned by customers is the prior seating of those who have arrived later. They observe: “The feeling that somebody has successfully ‘cut in front’ of you causes even the most patient customer to become furious.” In many situations, there is no visible order to the waiting line. It is for this reason that many service facilities have a system of taking a number, whereby each customer is issued a number and served in strict numerical order. In some facilities, the number currently being served is displayed so that customers can estimate the expected waiting times.
  The More Valuable the Service, the Longer the Customer Will Wait
  The example of the supermarket express-checkout counter reminds us that our tolerance for waiting depends upon the perceived value of that for which we wait. Special checkout counters were originally provided because customers with only a few items felt 15)resentful at having to wait a long time for what was seen as a simple transaction. Customers with a full cart of groceries were much more inclined to tolerate lines.
  Solo Waits Feel Longer Than Group Waits
  One of the remarkable syndromes to observe in waiting lines is to see the individuals turn to each other to express their 16)exasperation, wonder what is happening, and 17)console each other. What this illustrates is that there is some form of comfort in group waiting rather than waiting alone.
  This syndrome is evidently in effect in amusement parks such as Disneyland, or in waiting lines to buy concert tickets when a sense of community develops and the line turns into a service encounter in its own right; the waiting is part of the fun of the service. Whatever service organizations can do to promote the sense of group waiting, rather than isolating each individual, will tend to increase the tolerance for waiting.
We sat, as always, front and center, four rows from the stage so we could have that all-important perfect view of our son performing. And, of course, so I could get ideal photos of the concert.     It
2010年的热门大片《盗梦空间》将“梦”这个元素发挥到了极致,也掀起了一股“解梦”的热潮。  我们对未知的领域总有一种异样的执着,就像梦境。那些在梦中出现的楼梯,走廊,会说话的猪等等形象让人不解,令人困惑。精神分析大师弗洛伊德的“性原力说”把梦中的意象归为“未得到纾解的欲望的反映”,而仅靠这一学说来解释梦境并不能令人信服。于是,诸多理论涌现,有些看似匪夷所思,但是却又不无道理。你不能在这里得到一个
My tea’s gone cold, I’m wondering why I  Got out of bed at all  The morning rain clouds up my window  And I can’t see at all  And even if I could it’d all be grey  But your picture on my wall  It remi
I know what the caged bird feels, 1)alas!   When the sun is bright on the 2)upland slopes;   When the wind 3)stirs soft through the springing grass,   And the river flows like a stream of glass;   Whe
Mogwai is cutting down the time he spends playing 1)World of Warcraft. Twenty hours a week or less now, compared to a peak of over 70. It’s not that he has lost interest—just that he’s got to the top.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.—Carl Sagan    Tick tock tick tock. Are we there yet? How much longer? I don’t know…what do you want to do?  We spend a large portion of our time
是谁说过,等待是一生最初的苍老?等待是一种夹杂着忧愁的期盼,亦如“天青色等烟雨”,亦如余光中在“蝉声沉落,蛙声升起”时的《等你,在雨中》。我们似乎早已习惯了等待,譬如等待天明,等待月上,等待日落,等待雨停,抑或,等待着某个有着丁香花般忧郁的姑娘,撑着油纸伞,从小巷里走来……  活着,似乎就是由千万种等待拼凑而成,等待,无时无刻不萦绕身边。千万种等待,就有千万种滋味,心怀期盼也好,焦急无奈也罢,总有
好莱坞不止有经典影像和文化符号——梦露手扶白裙,金发飞扬,笑靥如花;赫本伫足在纽约第五大道的蒂凡尼橱窗前一脸向往;邦德优雅得体的布莱奥尼西装和飞驰如风的阿斯顿·马丁座驾;上世纪60年代“It Girl”伊迪·塞奇威克万年不变的短发和夸张的假眼睫毛。这里还有伊丽莎白·泰勒八次婚姻和她手上硕大的钻石;有保罗·纽曼湛蓝的双眸以及与妻子相濡以沫半个世纪的婚姻;有“坏女孩”琳赛·罗翰把入狱当成自个儿的人生大