在舆论监督中,新闻媒介对一些丑恶东西给予曝光,这对于被曝光的单位或个人是教育,对大家也是教育。 可在舆论监督中有一种怪现象,一些人和事被曝光之后,这些单位和个人还没引起足够重视和认识,还没为此整改和吸取教训,还没有新的起色,新闻单位就紧接着来个一百八十度的大转弯,说该单位、个人如何吸取教训,如何采取措施,如何出现了新面貌等,大加表扬赞赏一番,可谓“打一巴掌给个枣儿”。人们见此情景有些不理解。为什么许多不可
In the media supervision, the news media expose some ugly things, which is an education to exposed units or individuals and an education to all. There is a strange phenomenon in the supervision of the public opinion. After some people and affairs are exposed, these units and individuals have not given enough attention and understanding yet. As a result, no rectification and lessons have been learned and no new improvement has been made. The news organization immediately followed One hundred and eighty degrees turn to a big turn that the unit, how individuals learn lessons, how to take measures, how the emergence of a new look, etc., greatly appreciated praise, described as “a slap in the face to a jujube.” Some people do not understand this scenario. Why not many