铅在工业上用途颇广,随着工业的发展以及新品种、新工艺的不断出现,生产、但用和接触铅的作业在不断地增加,职业性铅中毒是常见的职业病之一,在我局铁路系统,铅作业工人数占接触有毒、有害工种人数的第二位、仅次于矽尘作业。因此,为了保护铅作业工人的健康促进铁路运输生产,我们曾对管内铅作业人数较为集中的五个单位进行了卫生学调查,现将结果初步报告如下: 对象与方法一、调查对象: 铅作业工人集中的印刷厂,机务段和车辆段等五个单位,对车间空气铅浓度的测定及198名铅作业工人进行体验。
Lead is widely used in industry. With the development of industry and the continuous appearance and production of new varieties and new technologies, the use of and exposure to lead is continually increasing. Occupational lead poisoning is one of the common occupational diseases. In the railway system, the number of lead workers occupies the second place with the number of toxic and hazardous workers exposed to silica dust. Therefore, in order to protect the health of lead workers and promote railway transport production, we conducted a hygiene survey on five units that have a relatively high concentration of lead in their pipe. The results are initially reported as follows: Subjects and Methods I. Survey Target: Lead Operation Five factories, including printers, depots and depots with concentrated workers, conducted tests on the determination of lead concentration in the workplace and 198 plumbing workers.