The community is far more rich than the school, living elsewhere is always better than here. Needless to travel Needless to say, walking thousands of miles, like reading books, is a necessary practice in life. Ever since I watched this movie, I’ve got a bike island dream. After hesitated for a long time on the land in Taiwan, or because he was worried about physically handicapped and give up cycling, just by train around the island for a week, watching a book called ”practice“ in Taiwan publications. At that time, I was the same phase with the protagonist (Dong Ming phase), the university is about to graduate, just started the opposite roundabout travel. I set out from Taipei, and Kaohsiung was the starting point. However, I really hope my journey will be as wonderful as him. ”All the way to meet tomorrow, in addition to beautiful scenery around, there are all kinds of people: those who want to use the image of the dream of workers, are bent on capturing the wind in the Pacific Ocean; from Lithuania’s