省委、省人委拨款奖励芦溪公社、长胜公社中共江西省委、江西省人民委员会,认为萍乡县芦溪公社和宁都县长胜公社,自1952年开展爱国卫生运动以来,八年如一日地坚持突击与经常相结合的工作方法,对病害进行了不懈的反复斗争,彻底改变了旧社会遗留下来的多病肮脏的面貌,保证了生产不断发展;去年以来,更充分运用了人民公社的优越性,大搞群众运动,使卫生工作取得了新的成就,保証了生产大跃进,这是党的领导和群众运动的巨大胜利。为了表彰先进,最近决定发给这两个公社奖励金各五万元,帮助他们进行卫生建設。这个决定是由中共江西省委委员、江西省副省长邓洪同志于11月16日在全省除害灭病讲卫生工作大会上宣布的。 (澄清)
Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People’s Commission grant rewards Luxi commune, Changsheng commune CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee, Jiangxi Provincial People’s Committee, that the Township, Pingxiang County and Ningdu County, Changsheng commune, since 1952 to carry out the Patriotic Health Campaign, eight years as a The Japanese insisted on a combination of surprise and routine work methods, carried out repeated and untidy struggles against diseases, completely changed the sick and dirty face left over by the old society, and ensured the continuous development of production. Since last year, the people have been fully utilized The superiority of communes and the vigorous masses movement have made new achievements in health work and guaranteed a great leap forward in production. This is a tremendous victory for the party’s leadership and the mass movement. In recognition of its advanced nature, it has recently decided to award the two commune rewards each $ 50,000 to help them carry out health construction. This decision was announced by Comrade Deng Hong, member of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee and vice governor of Jiangxi Province, on the work of eliminating and eliminating diseases and diseases in the province on November 16. (clarify)