2016年10月17日,金秋时节,被国家林业局授予“中国名特优经济林之乡”、“中国柿子之乡”的陕西省渭南市富平县进入柿子收获的季节,当地农业专业合作社社员经过削皮、挂晒等工艺将柿子加工成柿饼。据了解,富平县已建成优质柿子基地10多万亩,年产鲜柿7 000万千克,加工柿饼1 000万千克,产品出口到韩国、日本等在内
October 17, 2016 autumn season, the State Forestry Administration awarded the “Chinese famous special economic forest town”, “Chinese persimmon town” Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, Fuping County into the persimmon harvest season, the local agriculture Members of professional cooperatives after peeling, hanging sun and other processes will be processed into persimmon persimmons. It is understood that Fuping County has built more than 10 million mu of high quality persimmon base with an annual output of 70 million kilograms of fresh persimmon and 10 million kilograms of dried persimmons. The products are exported to South Korea and Japan