现在世界人口总数是53亿,且还在以每天25万,每年9千万到1亿的速度在增长。按照这一增长速度,再过40年,地球人口承受力将逾过饱和线,达到120亿。与人口迅猛增长恰恰相反的是,全球可耕地面积急剧递减,每4年就减少相当于我国的可耕地面积。世界粮食人口问题专家莱斯特·布朗提醒人们:“全球粮食产量80年代达到极限,不能再指望靠技术进步来提高了。”然而来自矿物资源部门的报告更令世人担扰,按目前开采速度,再过90年后,这些不可再生的陆地矿物将被开发殆尽,也就是说,等我们的孙子成年后就无矿可开,无藏可采了。这不是耸人听闻,而是今天正在威胁着人类生存的客观现实。 当陆地资源日渐枯竭、地球“人满为患”时,人类未来的出路在哪里?美国科学家林德博士估计,到2000年世界人口总数的75%将居住在占地球表面约8%,宽为60公里的海岸带上。
The world’s population now totals 5.3 billion and is still growing at 250,000 a day, 90 to 100 million a year. At this rate of increase, in another 40 years, the Earth’s population will bear more than the saturation line, reaching 12 billion. In sharp contrast to the rapid population growth, the world’s arable land has drastically declined, reducing the amount of arable land equivalent to our country every four years. Lester Brown, an expert on world food population issues, reminded people that “global food production reached the limit in the 1980s and can no longer be expected to be enhanced by technological progress.” However, the reports from the mineral resources department are even more disturbing, at the current rate of exploitation After 90 years, these non-renewable terrestrial minerals will be developed completely. That is to say, our grandsons will have no ore to open after they have grown up, and no possession is possible. This is not sensational, but today it is threatening the objective reality of human existence. When the terrestrial resources are depleting and the Earth is overcrowded, where is the future of mankind? American scientist Dr. Linde estimates that by the year 2000, 75% of the world’s population will be living at about 8% of the Earth’s surface and 60 kilometers wide On the coast.