农村老人由于文化素质差,再加上其他一些原因,自我保健水平很低。生活中主要存在以下误区: 长期吸烟。农村老人中吸烟的男性占老人总数的90%以上,女性也在8%以上。这部份老人有的吸自己种植的老旱烟,由于经济条件的制约,即使吸纸烟也大多是几毛钱一包的次烟,既呛又辣,尼古丁含量高。据有关专家估算,如果这些老人们能够戒烟,他们的平均寿命可延长五至七年。
Due to poor cultural quality of rural elderly, coupled with a number of other reasons, the level of self-care is very low. The main misunderstandings in life are: long-term smoking. Men smoking in the rural elderly accounted for more than 90% of the total number of the elderly, women are more than 8%. Some elderly people who smoke their own old tobacco planted, due to economic constraints, even if the majority of cigarettes are a few cents a pack of cigarettes, both choking and spicy, high content of nicotine. Experts estimate that if these elderly people can quit smoking, their average life expectancy will be extended by five to seven years.