鱼不仅是人们餐桌上的一道佳肴,而且吃鱼还能够健脑健身,这一点已越来越成为人们的共识。 通过吃鱼,可以从鱼体内获得一种重要的营养物质——二十二碳六烯酸,简称DHA。DHA富含于鱼的油脂中,是一种高度不饱和脂肪酸。相比之下,牛和猪的脂肪是一种饱和脂肪酸,不含DHA;谷物、薯类、淀粉、植物油、人造奶油、黄油、黄豆、牛奶、蔬菜、水果等也几乎不含DHA。
Fish is not only a good meal on people’s table, but also eat fish can brain fitness, which has become more and more people’s consensus. By eating fish, you can get a fish from the body of an important nutrient - docosahexaenoic acid, referred to as DHA. DHA is rich in fish oil, is a highly unsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, cattle and pig fat is a saturated fatty acid, free of DHA; grains, yam, starch, vegetable oil, margarine, butter, soy, milk, vegetables, fruits and the like are also almost free of DHA.