“ARCHOS——爱可视”,一个名不见经传的品牌,国内消费者可能会对这个名字很陌生。但是在欧美数码产品市场中。来自法国的ARCHOS一直是移动数码影音领域的领导者,他们是率先推出使用硬盘的MP3随身听的厂家之一。而他们的技术研发实力也非常强大,经常能推出一些令人拍案叫绝的产品,Gmini 220就是其中之一。
“ARCHOS - Archos”, a little-known brand, domestic consumers may be unfamiliar with the name. However, digital products in Europe and the United States market. ARCHOS from France has been a leader in the field of mobile digital video, one of the first to launch an MP3 Walkman with a hard drive. And their technology research and development strength is also very powerful, often able to launch some of the most controversial products, Gmini 220 is one of them.