早春二月。隆回县西洋江乡。 省市综治督查组一行8人带着王茂林书记的嘱托,来到这个地处白马山脚下的偏远穷乡。隔着车窗,展现在他们眼前的是一幅幅生动的画面:枫木岭上,百余群众正在开荒整地,建设千亩板栗基地;石塘村边,千名劳力忙着挑土运石,10公里长的边境公路已现雏形;西洋江岸,垅垅小麦、畦畦油菜郁郁葱葱,两万亩冬播作物丰收在望……
Early spring in February. Longhui County Xixiangjiang Township. Provincial and municipal comprehensive supervision team of eight people with Wang Maolin secretary exhorted, came to this is located at the foot of the remote white horse Baoshan. Across the car window, showing in front of them is a vivid picture: Maple Ridge, hundreds of people are wasteland preparation, the construction of acres of chestnut base; Shitang village edge, a thousand workers busy picking earth and stone , 10 km long border road has been the embryo; the western bank of the river, 垅 垅 wheat, 畦 畦 rape lush, 20,000 mu of winter sowing crops in the harvest ...