搞好部门间的配合 做好工业卫生工作

来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziyoushenghuozhe
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随着改革的日趋深入,工业企业不断发展。进一步加强劳动保护,改善厂矿劳动卫生条件,保护工人健康,促进工业卫生工作的开展更具有重要意义。锦西是个工业比重较大的城市,工业卫生任务很重。既有市属企业、乡镇企业、还有村办及联办个体企业,企业种类较多,生产性有害因素达几十种。几年来我们本着互相协作,各有侧重的原则,搞好工业卫生工作。一、联合宣传贯彻工业卫生条例当前我国的工业卫生工作正在逐步走上法制化管理的轨道,国家这几年新发了《乡镇企业劳动卫生管理办法》、《尘肺防治条例》,工业卫生工作有法可依,有章可循。然而如何宣传和贯彻好这些条例,做 With the deepening of reform, industrial enterprises continue to develop. It is of great significance to further strengthen labor protection, improve labor and hygiene conditions in factories and mines, protect workers’ health and promote industrial hygiene. Jinxi is a large industrial city, heavy industrial health tasks. There are municipal enterprises, township and village enterprises, as well as village-run and joint-run individual enterprises with more types of enterprises and dozens of productive and harmful factors. Over the past few years, we have worked in accordance with the principle of mutual cooperation and emphasis on industrial hygiene. First, the joint publicity and implementation of industrial hygiene regulations At present, China’s industrial health work is gradually embarked on the track of legal management, the state issued in recent years, “township enterprises labor and health management practices”, “pneumoconiosis Prevention Regulations”, industrial hygiene work Law can be followed, the rules to follow. However, how to promote and implement these regulations well?