西汉的都城长安城历经二千余年的沧桑,当年精心建造、规模宏大的宫殿、楼阁等建筑,往往在地面遗留着高台遗迹和孤立的土丘,如未央宫前殿遗址,藏书库石渠阁、天禄阁,其残迹至今地而上尚可窥见。汉以后的朝代,前秦、后秦、西魏、北周等朝代都在这里建都。但地面上未留有遗迹,而地面下是否会留下痕迹呢?回答是肯定的。 1982年春,中国社会科学院考古研究所汉城队发掘未央宫北椒房殿遗址时,在3号探方内距地表80厘米的扰土中,出土一尊石雕佛像。但周围未见到有确切年代可考的遗物,根据地层关系其时代应在汉代以后。
Chang’an City, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty After more than two thousand years of vicissitudes of life, the elaborately built and large-scale palaces and pavilions of the year, often leaving the remains of high platforms and isolated mounds on the ground, such as the former temple site of Weiyang Imperial Palace, Tianlu Court, the remnants of the past and still can see. Han dynasties, the former Qin, Qin, Western Wei, Northern Zhou Dynasty and other dynasties are here to build capital. However, there are no remains on the ground, and will there be traces left under the ground? The answer is in the affirmative. In the spring of 1982, when the Seoul team of the Institute of Archeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, excavated the ruins of the North Peckhouse in the Weiyang Gong, a statue of stone sculpture was unearthed from the disturbed soil 80 cm above the surface within the probe No. 3. However, there are no relics that can be found around the exact age. According to the stratigraphic relationship, its era should be after the Han Dynasty.