二战后在美国的庇护和扶植下 ,“脱亚入美”成为日本的战略选择 ,然而 ,当日本在欧美市场遭遇挫折时 ,不得不回到亚洲寻找出路 ,东亚国家丰富的劳动力和巨大的市场为日本推行“雁行模式”战略提供了空间。随着东亚各国对日本的追赶 ,以日本为头雁的东亚雁阵正在由“纵向阵列”转变为“水平阵列”。当前 ,日本的惟一出路应是拆掉自己的围墙 ,消除邻居的担心和顾虑 ,构建新型的经济伙伴关系 ,真正实现与亚洲“共存共荣”。这也是整个东亚经济发展的“双赢战略”。
After World War II was sheltered and nurtured by the United States, “taking Asia from the United States into the United States” became Japan’s strategic choice. However, when Japan suffered setbacks in the European and American markets, it had to return to Asia to find a way out and the abundant labor force and huge market in East Asian countries This has provided room for Japan to implement its “geese mode” strategy. As East Asian countries catch up with Japan, the East Asian geese headed by Japan are shifting from “vertical arrays” to “horizontal arrays.” At present, Japan’s only outlet should be to tear down its own walls, eliminate fears and concerns from its neighbors, build a new type of economic partnership and truly “coexist and prosper with Asia.” This is also a “win-win strategy” for the economic development in East Asia.