采用作者提出的优化技术,可使按传统方法设计建造的支墩坝减少混凝土达12%。这一方法已应用于 Itaipu 坝和 Rositas 坝,说明了它的效果和经济上的潜力。当大体积支墩坝首次出现时,它们就使传统的重力坝混凝土体积合理化。美国工程师F·诺茨里于1927~1928年间建造36米高的 Don Martin 坝的成功,鼓舞了欧洲的专家们,诸如 A·斯塔基和 C·马赛罗,去建造同样类型的坝。其中首批有:1935年的 Dixence坝(85米高);1947年的 Lucendro 坝(68米高);1938年的 Scais 坝(64米高);1943年的Trona 坝(58米高)及1949年的 Bau Muggersis 坝(63米高)。此后,在世界各地还建造了许多其它的支墩坝。在罗马尼亚,建造了四座这样的坝,其高度从40米到80米。
Adopting the optimization technique proposed by the author, the pier constructed according to the traditional method can reduce the concrete by 12%. This method has been applied to the Itaipu dam and the Rositas dam, indicating its effectiveness and economic potential. When large-volume pier dams first appeared, they rationalized the volume of concrete in conventional gravity dams. The successful construction of the 36-meter-high Don Martin dam between 1927 and 1928 by American engineer F. Nozori encouraged European experts such as A. Stuckey and C. Marcelo to build the same type of dam. The first of these was the Dixence Dam (85 meters high) in 1935; the Lucendro Dam (68 meters high) in 1947; the Scais Dam (64 meters high) in 1938; the Trona Dam (58 meters high) in 1943 and 1949 Bau Muggersis Dam (63 meters high). Since then, many other pier dams have also been built around the world. In Romania, four such dams have been built, with a height of 40 to 80 meters.