Setting Up an Objective and Ef ective Evaluation System at CAS——An interview with Prof. WANG Xiaofan

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WANG Xiaofan,a distinguished researcher in pharmacology and cancer biology from the School of Medicine,Duke University,was conferred the CAS Award for International Science and Technology Cooperation on January 9,2014.Prof.WANG was recognized for his“key advisory role”in promoting the academy’s S&T reform,by organizing international peer-based evaluation for more than a dozen CAS institutes in the field of life sciences,to help establish a scientific,balanced and effective research evaluation system.During a phone interview with BCAS reporter XIN Ling in May,Prof.WANG pointed out that international evaluation proved to be a good place to start,but CAS still faces challenges in making the best of such evaluation to push forward its overall reform. WANG Xiaofan, a distinguished researcher in pharmacology and cancer biology from the School of Medicine, Duke University, was conferred the CAS Award for International Science and Technology Cooperation on January 9, 2014. Prof. Weng was recognized for his “key advisory role ”in promoting the academy's S & T reform, by organizing international peer-based evaluation for more than a dozen CAS institutes in the field of life sciences, to help establish a scientific, balanced and effective research evaluation system. Time a phone interview with BCAS reporter XIN Ling in May, Prof.WANG pointed out that international evaluation proved to be a good place to start, but CAS still faces challenges in making the best of such evaluation to push forward its overall reform.
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