1 企业整顿,也称公司重整,或称公司更生,是指具有一定规模的公司企业出现破产原因或有破产原因出现的危险时,为防止企业破产,经公司利害关系人的申请,在法院的干预下对该公司企业实施强制治理,使其复兴的法律制度。在国外,也称为破产保护制度。公司整顿制度首创于英国,称为公司整理制度。后来,传至美国(称公司重整)、日本(称为公司更生)等其他国家,逐渐成为西方资本主义国家中继和解制度之后防止大企业破产的强有力的法律制度。商品生产的历史从来就是竞争发展的历史。人类社会为了解决竞争中失败者与其他债权人之间的债务纠纷,以及债权人之间为各自利益的实现而竞相要求债务人清偿债务所形成的
1 Corporate reorganization, also known as company reorganization, or company rejuvenation refers to the risk of a bankruptcy or bankruptcy of a company with a certain scale. To prevent the bankruptcy of an enterprise, upon the application of the company’s interested parties, Under the intervention of the company’s enterprises to implement the mandatory governance, to revitalize the legal system. Abroad, also known as bankruptcy protection system. The company reorganization system pioneered in the United Kingdom, known as the company finishing system. Later, it spread to other countries, such as the United States (reorganization of the company) and Japan (reorganization of the company), and gradually became a powerful legal system for preventing the bankruptcy of large enterprises after the system of reconciliation brokered by western capitalist countries. The history of commodity production has always been the history of competitive development. In order to solve the debts between losers in the competition and other creditors and to compel the debtors to pay off their debts for the realization of their respective interests among the human society