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1906年11月官制改革失败后袁世凯奏请开去八项兼差一事,对此史书记载及学界普遍认为是被迫之举。“被迫说”之外,还有论者认为袁世凯所辞却的兼差有名无实,亦有将“被迫说”与“有名无实说”合而为一的。其实,袁世凯奏辞兼差不能一概而论定为被迫之举:一是袁世凯并不愿意督办津镇铁路,二是他积极移交兼差事宜,一言一蔽之,有些兼差是袁世凯所乐意辞却的。官制改革后袁世凯的兼差亦非有名无实,这可从袁世凯对兼差的看重与在将交通方面的兼差移交给邮传部之后仍试图予以控制的行为中,当可洞悉端倪。 After the failure of the reform of the official system in November 1906, Yuan Shih-k’uh invited him to go eight-year-olds, in which the historical records and the academic circles generally considered it as a forced move. There are also those who think that Yuan Shih-k’ai’s name is the difference between his name and his name, and that there is a combination of “being forced to say ” and “well-known ”. In fact, Yuan Shikai’s sparring and abstinence can not be categorized as a forced move: First, Yuan Shikai is not willing to supervise the Tianjin-Tianjin Railway; secondly, he actively hands over and concurrently excludes things. Nor could Yuan Shikai’s postponement of the post-government reform be completely unknown, as can be discerned from Yuan Shikai’s vantage point of paying attention and his attempt to contain the post-traffic control transfer to the Ministry of Post.
题目:如图所示,一个上细下粗的圆台形筒子,下面用一重力忽略不计的薄片贴住,浸入水中后,薄片不会下落;如果筒中住入100克水,恰能使它脱落,液体不溢出,则下列情况中能使薄片下落的是()  A、在薄片中央轻放100克砝码  B、慢慢注入100克酒精  C、慢慢注入100克水银   D、上述三种做法都不行  解法一:运用补法。在筒中注入100克水,水对薄片压力大于重力,而在薄片中央轻放100克砝码产生压