
来源 :当代电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mj73182
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本文以叙事类型的理论分析《救火英雄》的电影文本,认为在灾难奇观与人物设置方面,它克服了国产灾难类型片既有的不足,通过对复杂人性的立体、动态呈现,使传统灾难片得以注入新的元素。本文利用格雷马斯的意义矩形结构,从个人与社会两个层面梳理了人物与事件关系,将传统类型的变奏版本总结为主题、手法及音画三个方面。 This article analyzes the film text of “Heroes of Fire” with the narrative type theory and holds that in the aspect of disaster wonders and characters setting, it overcomes the existing shortcomings of domestic disaster type films and makes the traditional disaster films To inject new elements. Based on Greimas’ meaning rectangular structure, this paper combs the relationship between characters and events from the perspective of individuals and society, and summarizes the variations of the traditional types as the theme, the technique and the painting.
1 材料与方法扦插育苗在枣庄市薛城区科学技术协会科技示.范园进行。采本基地3年生吉塞拉5号1年生枝条作插穗进行扦插,苗床基质为纯河沙。1)不同炼苗时间试验。设移栽前停水炼苗
报道了河南铁线莲属一新记录亚组--槭叶铁线莲亚组Subsect. Acerifoliae W.T.Wang,增补了<河南植物志>(1981)未记录的1变种--无裂槭叶铁线莲Clematis acerifolia Maxim. Var.