Blue and white porcelain decorative application in poster design

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  【Abstract】: Chinese traditional blue and white porcelain decorative pattern is Chinese craft art history using a wide range of decorative patterns, it have very strong decorative.As gems of Chinese traditional culture, its development largely confined to the ceramic field.But with the development of the era, is no longer limited to the shape of the blue and white porcelain, but in every aspect of modern life.In the design of the visual symbol in modern blue and white porcelain decorative design to find their own position and space, the most critical is to understand the "blue and white porcelain", on the basis of puts it back in the design of the contemporary culture suit to express the theme, with now to understand the mind and performance.Modern poster design should be the blue on the visual symbol, endow them with new ideas, and creatively applied to the modern design of blue and white elements to display the traditional value and artistic charm.Only on the basis of inheriting traditional culture, by absorbing the modern design concept, in order to create more in line with the aesthetic idea of modern work and do not break national style characteristics.
  【Keywords】: Blue and white porcelain decorative;Modern art;Poster design
  China's blue and white porcelain in the world ceramic history occupies an important position, but also to many countries and regions, culture and art produced extensive and profound influence.Both as a blue and white porcelain ceramic art, the blue and white porcelain decorative design in a utensil as visual elements, derived from or are space has the huge development potential and value, we should actively develop series of blue and white porcelain art, let its in our play an irreplaceable role in the field of art and design.
  1.Blue and white porcelain decorative enlightenment to modern poster design
  Blue and white elements in Chinese traditional elements, which is one of the more representative, so in the modern design, designers should favor Qinghua elements.Chinese traditional elements are step by step towards the world, and with the improvement of China's international status, will be more and more accepted by the world, and in the field of art and design, blue and white art as the more representative of the Chinese traditional culture, its role is irreplaceable."Blue" is a world-famous art essence, need to carry forward, in the new era, the designers are the creator of blue and white art, need to constantly learning and innovation creation concept and creation techniques, in step with The Times, keep up with the trend of the era development, to make Chinese blue and white art towards the world, luster.   2.Blue and white porcelain in the poster design
  In the field of poster design, decorative design of blue and white porcelain was welcomed by the growing, especially in the field of business in the field of packaging design, visual signs "blue and white porcelain" also has its own place, and its unique position.Nowadays, blue and white porcelain decorative pattern is applied to more and more on the product packaging design, such as geometric lines, case grain and the volume grass grain use more, effect is good, it implements the goods and the perfect combination of unique culture. On the market, we can see a variety of various goods, you can also see the goods detailed packing design, it shows that the modern art design is growing back to tradition, and in the adornment of modern fashion design the use of Chinese elements have also been better more.Elements for China, we are spread through external physical things, but not only the material, spiritual heritage is a need to double check.
  3.The blue and white porcelain decorative pattern in the modern poster design in the future
  Time in constant progress and development, in the modern art design, Chinese traditional elements are being more and more widely used, blue and white porcelain grain appearance as an important branch of traditional Chinese culture, many designers abstract extraction, using the description.As the development of modern art culture and creators, designers bear the burden of carrying forward the Chinese nation traditional culture in modern art design, the application of traditional culture should be more attention, let the world know the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, accept the rich connotation of the Chinese nation culture inside information, let more by the world understand China, let China tend to the world.Blue and white elements in Chinese traditional elements, should be has more than representative, so in the modern design, designers should favor Qinghua elements.
  Have unique character of blue and white porcelain, also become an important part of Chinese excellent culture, and this kind of traditional Chinese elements have also been more and more applied to the modern society, full of modern and classical flavor, is the perfect combination of fashion and traditional culture, the Oriental culture and artistic charm, today's society, with China's accession to the world trade organization, China and the world communication also will increase, the communication between Chinese and western culture collision is increasing, and the blue and white porcelain grain becomes a typical representative of Chinese culture symbol, in order to better let China to the world, let the world know China, requires the designers constantly explore the application of traditional culture, to find new ideas, profound understanding of traditional Chinese characteristics, and eclectic western excellent culture, to create both times and international poster design.
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数码电子产品的普及给人们的生活提供了极大的便利,几乎谁都能轻而易举地拍出技术上基本合格的照片,这样摄影的乐趣反而降低了。而与之相对的传统手工成像工艺带来的却是让人琢磨不透的、充满惊奇、具有创作过程的艺术效果,比如蓝晒。它是第一个能持久保持蓝色照片的铁盐摄影工艺。蓝晒摄影作品所散发出的艺术韵味却值得不断咀嚼,历久弥香。特别是将古色古香的校园底蕴和传统摄影的魅力整合在一部作品中,更显得珍贵。  在几乎
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【摘要】:艺术是生活的一部分,同时参与和介入现实生活的其他部分。艺术永远都不是一个与世隔绝的领域,它是人类总的历史进程的组成部分,影响着现实生活,当然也就不可避免地要受现实生活的影响。艺术文化产业在市场经济环境下占有重要的地位,发展和繁荣艺术文化产业是繁荣现代经济的必由之路,本文从艺术文化产业的论述着手,通过艺术文化产业及其管理现状的分析,提出完善我国艺术文化产业的建议。  【关键词】:艺术文化产
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【摘要】:作为第一批被列入国家非物質文化遗产名录的桑植民歌,凭借本地的语言、个性的旋律、独特的节奏一直在我国民歌宝库中占有一席之地,是桑植文化的重要表达方式之一,也吸引众多艺术家前来采风。虽然只是民歌宝库中的冰山一角,但它却以其深厚的文化底蕴、浓郁的地方味儿在独领风骚。笔者从民族特征、音乐特征、语言特征等方面浅谈了桑植民歌的特点。  【关键词】:桑植民歌;艺术特征;音乐特征;语言特征  一、桑植民
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【摘要】:线条是绘画的生命,线条的复杂多变为我们表现多姿多彩的现实世界提供了便利。但是,中西方在文化和观念上的差异性,在文化意识上就有很多不同。线条单纯又丰富,在中西方绘画中也随处可见。本文将通过中西方绘画艺术中对线的选择以及中西方绘画中线条的差异性和相通性等方面对中西方绘画中的线条进行比较。  【关键词】:线条;情感表达;文化意识  一、中西方绘画艺术对线的选择  原始时期,中西方祖先都不约而同