随身听的出现为音乐爱好者创造了一种新的生活文化,拉近了人们与音乐的时空界限,让人们可以不分地点、场合,随意地享受音乐带来的乐趣。为了迎合广大音乐爱好者不同的听音爱好,各大随身听生产商也开发出了各自特殊的听音效果。但常见的随身听音效有那些呢?它们又是有什么特点和作用呢?可能很多人都不是太清楚。下面笔者就把几大牌子随身听生产商的随身听音效给大家简单介绍一下吧! (其
Walkman appeared for music lovers to create a new life culture, bringing people and music close to the boundaries of time and space, so that people can place, place, feel free to enjoy the fun of music. In order to cater to different music lovers listening preferences, major Walkman manufacturers have also developed their own special listening effects. But what are the common Walkman sounds? What are the features and effects of them? Maybe many people are not too clear about it. Here I put a few big-name Walkman Walkman audio manufacturers to give you a brief introduction!