PURPOSE: It is unclear whether protein C deficiency is associated with retinal venous occlusive disease. DESIGN: We performed a cross-sectional study. METHODS: Members of a protein C-deficient family, either deficient or nondeficient, with a history of nonocular venous thrombosis were included. All participants completed questionnaires regarding their medical and ophthalmic histories. Each subject underwent dilated direct ophthalmoscopic and binocular indirect ophthalmoscopic examinations by a single vitreoretinal specialist. RESULTS: None of the 18 family members with a known history of nonocular thrombosis-12 with and 6 without protein C deficiency-manifested stigmas of recent or chronic retinal vascular occlusive disease. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed no evidence of involvement of the retinal vascular bed in a family with an increased risk of nonocular venous thrombosis attributable to the deficiency of protein C.
PURPOSE: It is unclear whether protein C deficiency is associated with retinal venous occlusive disease. METHODS: Members of a protein C-deficient family, either deficient or nondeficient, with a history of nonocular venous thrombosis All participants completed questionnaires regarding their medical and ophthalmic histories. Each subject underwent dilated direct ophthalmoscopic and binocular indirect ophthalmoscopic examinations by a single vitreoretinal specialist. RESULTS: None of the 18 family members with a known history of nonocular thrombosis-12 with and 6 without protein C deficiency-manifested stigmas of recent or chronic retinal vascular occlusive disease. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed no evidence of involvement of the retinal vascular bed in a family with an increased risk of nonocular venous thrombosis attributable to the deficiency of protein C.