The Role of Engineer-in-Chief and the Introduction of Foreign Hydraulic Dredging Technology and Rive

来源 :中国历史学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ultizen
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This paper discusses studies of the development of river conservancy in mod China,and the role of engineers-in-chief in river improvement planning on rivers such as the Hai-ho (Haihe) and the Whangpoo (Huangpu).It discusses the introduction of foreign hydraulic dredging technology and management into two major Chinese ports.It then analyses the process by which two agencies of the Chinese govment absorbed and adjusted this technology to suit local circumstances in the treaty ports of Tianjin and Shanghai beginning in the 1890s.Without prior experience in river conservancy,the conservancy boards adopted a range of foreign technologies.This allowed them to develop into major institutions that facilitated increasing trade flows between China and the rest of the world.Of particular significance in this process of technological change was the role of the expatriate engineers-in-chief who were employed as chief executive officers of both agencies.They were responsible for establishing the operations of the agencies,accommodating an increasing range of responsibilities such as financial and human resource management,and training Chinese engineers and managers for senior positions until they were ready to replace the expatriate engineers-in-chief after the 1930s.
子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不好乐之者。”可见,兴趣在学习动机中是最现实、最积极的因素。而初中思想品德课程内容抽象,理论性强,加之该课程还带有一些说教的味道,学生易反感,难以产生兴趣。那么,在思想品德教学过程中,教师该怎样激发学生的学习兴趣呢?结合我们的教学实践,下面谈几点做法。  1.巧设情景导语,激发学生兴趣  俗话说:秧好一半谷。一节课,如果有一个新颖有趣的开头,往往一下子就可以抓住学生