Distribuion of extat land vertebrates indicates that two distinct zoogeographicprovinees ekist in Chin& the Oriental Region in the sollth and the Palaearctic Regionin the north. For a long time, chna was considered part of a widespread “HtoParionprovinee” of late Miocene and Pliocene age, and distinct differentiation of faunalregions was considered to have conuneneed at the begiedng of Pleistocene time (Pei,1957; Zhou, 2964; Zhang, 1979).
Distribuion of extat land vertebrates indicates that two distinct zoogeographic provinees ekist in Chin & the Oriental Region in the sollth and the Palaearctic Regionin the north. For a long time, chna was considered part of a widespread. “HtoParion provinee” of late Miocene and Pliocene age, and distinct differentiation of faunalregions was considered to have conuneneed at the begiedng of Pleistocene time (Pei, 1957; Zhou, 2964; Zhang, 1979).