To investigate the incidence of glycometabolism disorder (DGM) in patients with primary liver cancer (PHC), changes in fasting plasma insulin and C-peptide levels in PHC patients and DGM; clinical features of PHC and DGM; relationship with tumor size and prognosis for patients influences. Methods Enzymatic determination of fasting blood glucose in 271 patients with PHC was performed. Forty-five patients with abnormalities were measured by enzymatic plus 2 hours postprandial blood glucose. Fasting plasma insulin (INS) and C peptides were measured by RIA. The incidence of PHC and DGM was 16.6%. There was no significant change in the levels of INS and C peptides in the temporal and spatial membranes of DGM. The clinical manifestations were not typical. Hyperglycemic patients had no obvious symptoms of diabetes, and patients with hypoglycemia showed prominent disturbance of consciousness. The incidence of PHC and DGM is related to the extent of the lesion. Conclusions DGM in patients with PHC is not uncommon. It is more common in patients with a wide range of lesions and suggests a poor prognosis. The occurrence of DGM is not caused only by changes in the levels of INS and C peptides. Patients with PHC should routinely monitor blood glucose changes.