上海市精神文明建设活动委员会、团上海市委等有关部门,组织800名18岁青年举行上海市18岁成人仪式,在嘹亮国歌声中,面对冉冉升起的五星红旗,青年们缓缓举起右手,庄严宣读誓词,成人仪式唤发了这些刚加入共和国公民将担负起建设祖国、造福人民的责任感。笔者闻后,为这种庄严、神圣、简朴的仪式,赞叹不已。 时下,设立“仪式”活动,日趋升温,什么“开张剪彩仪式”、“奠基仪式”、“销售仪式”、“挂牌仪式”等等。一浪高过一浪,然而,唤起青年公民意识,增强他们社会责任感的成人
Shanghai Municipal Commission of Spiritual Civilization Construction and Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and other relevant departments organized 800 18-year-olds to hold an 18-year-old ceremony in Shanghai. In the face of the rising five-star red flag, the youth slowly raised Right hand, solemnly read the oath, adult ritual evoked these just joined the citizens of the Republic will assume the responsibility to build the motherland, for the benefit of the people. When I heard it, I was amazed at the solemn, sacred and simple rituals. At present, the establishment of “ceremony” activities, heating up, what “open ribbon-cutting ceremony”, “groundbreaking ceremony”, “sales ceremony”, “listing ceremony” and so on. After a wave of waves, however, adults who raise their young citizenship awareness and enhance their sense of social responsibility