The rise of the mobile Internet

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  Abstract: The emergence of wechat causes a new change of information dissemination. It become the ideal tool of communication because of its convenience. School education is a important branch in the field of communication studies, and wechat was introduced into the field of education.
  Keywords: The mobile Internet, weibo, micro letter, network, rise
  1.The rise of the introduction of mobile Internet education.
  In late December 2010, domestic well-known application development team millet technology research and development in just a week gave birth to the first class of Kik software applications in China - Mi Talk. “Mi Talk” appeared after a few days, the first one to make a follow-up response, launched “grand KIKI. On January 21, 2011, Tencent launched wechat based on QQ. Two months later, the grand through private “have you” continue to overweight wireless instant messaging service. Happy online line “happy fly beans”. On April 11, grand mobile instant messaging software “Youni” was officially released. 14, “wow-link”of China Unicom logged in apple's App Store. On June 7, apple launched IM product called iMessage. On 9th, Nokia launched “nokia IM” free information platform. Along with the improvement of the environment for domestic mobile communication networks and mobile Internet users continues to grow, more and more manufacturers join the mobile Internet market “gold rush”, which has become a inevitable trend. Continuously along with the social development, knowledge into the work of the art theory and fact for step wei, medium for the spread of knowledge also more and more diversified, and from fixed to flexible, from big to light, from objects to information, extending from the classroom after class.
  Citizens improve their school education quality mainly through the school education to disseminate and popularize technology education, and so on ways . Although school and books, the traditional media are still the main channels for our citizens for education information, but it cannot be ignored that the proportion to the use of the Internet and other modern media for education information has improved significantly. In 2013,the proportion of citizens using the Internet channels for education information has risen profoundly. The Internet and other modern media gradually become important channels for science and technology information. A research on art resources demand survey shows that the demand of the citizen’s education resources presents new characteristics. The needs of different groups of education resources difference is big, especially the present-day younger generation, whose demands change quickly, the trend of individuation is becoming increasingly dominant, therefore the citizen education information knowledge channel also presents the new changes.   Through summarizing the research achievements of academic circles, we found that the school education transmission channel has always been a hot research topic, in view of the education websites, education BBS,micro blog, wechat public platform. A lot of research results have been achieved. This paper tries to explore the role of wechat playing in the system transmission of the scientific and technological venue of school education.
  2. the wechat public platform
  wechat is a free instant messaging service application launched by Tencent company on January 21, 2 01 1, you can quickly send voice messages through the network, video, images and text, support for multiple people to chat. Users can communicate with friends through wechat form more similar to the contact way of SMS, MMS, etc. wechat itself completely free software, the use of any function will not charge fees, use wechat online traffic fee charged by the network operators. wechat has zero tariffs, cross-platform, powerful functions such as mobile instant communication advantage. The development of the wechat astonishing speed. 201 2 years at the end of march, wechat user 100 million, spent 3 4 days. 20 12 years on September 17, wechat user 200 million, time-consuming shorten to less than 6 months. As on January 23, 2013, wechat users reached up to 300 million, and further shorten the time to 5 months, and is still in accelerating popularization.” Whatever is used as a general communication communication tools or marketing communication channels, wechat has its special and powerful advantage.
  Wechat, this is little big wechat a which started as a “free instant messaging service application”, but in the practical application has greatly promoted the development of the wechat marketing. wechat is open to the public platform, convenient qr code to subscribe to, targeted messages, such as a strong push function in the spread of school education can play a powerful role.
  (a).the appearance of wechat public platform
  wechat is a free application for instant message service launched by Tencent. You can quickly send voice messages, videos, images and texts via net stream. And it also supports the chatting involving a group of people. Users can get contact with friends in this kind of new way similar to short messages and MMS. The app itself is free of charge, all the functions are free. The net stream cost during the process is charged by the network operators. Wechat has several powerful functional advantages, free of charge, trans-platform, mobile instant messages.. The development of wechat is shocking. “ the amount of wechat users had reached over 100 million before the late Mar. in 2012, just in 43 says. On 17th Sep. 2012, the number reached lager than 200 million. The time is condensed to less that 6 months. Until 23th Jan. 2013,the number has reached 3 million, taking time less than 5 months. And this app is still being widely spread faster and faster, it has its own powerful and special advantages whether be applied as general communication tool or marketing communication channels.
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【摘 要】进入二十世纪八十年代以来,随着微机技术和微电子技术的迅猛发展,极大推动了plc在世界范围内的发展,使其在生产中的地位越来越因此笔者认为在中技层次的电类教学中开展PLC等新技术的教学是非常必要的。然而对于中技层次的培训,一般由于种种顾虑,使学校还不能把PLC投入到中技的教学中来。但PLC等先进技术在社会中已达到广泛应用,社会需要具备此项技术的人才。因此我们必须采取一些方法解决实施的问题。 
【摘 要】培养和开发学生的学习潜能就是要变学生被动学习为主动学习。培养学生的学习兴趣是关键。教师要改变过去课堂上以教师为中心的教法。激发学生的学习积极性和学习热情让学生有足够的时间思考和自学才是关键。  【关键词】英语学习 培养自学能力 积极性 兴趣  学生的学习能力是潜在的。作为人师,有责任挖掘和开发学生的这种潜能。怎样使学生由被动学习转化成积极主动地学习是开发这种潜能的关键所在。学习能力依赖于
【摘 要】指导学生品读精彩语段的方法有:通读,明确语段的作用;研读,分析透视;品读,评价赏析  【关键词】通读 研读 品读  对于一篇文章来讲,把握好精彩语段就好比是拿到了一把开启文章主旨的钥匙。如何指导学生品读精彩语段,领悟文章内涵呢?具体做法如下:  一、通读,明确语段在结构上的作用  “通读”的任务是明确精彩语段的构段方式,在结构上的作用。段是句过渡到篇的桥梁,精彩语段更是我们探究作者谋篇布
【摘 要】在当前我国基础教育课程改革的大背景下,教师的反思性发展是一大时令主题。我们不仅要重视教育实践在教师自主发展中的特殊地位与作用,更需要教师对教学与改革实践进行反思。教师只有自觉地根据反思的结果矫正自己教学中的不良行为,这样才能不断提高其专业化水平,更好地促进教育教学的有效发展。  【关键词】教师 反思性实践者  一、问题的提出  在教育学的领域中,反思含有对行动方案进行深思熟虑、选择和作出
【摘 要】社会的进步,促使信息技术的利用渗入到各行各业,不仅提升了行業的运营质量,而且提高了管理的效率,以信息技术在图书管理工作中的应用为例,既提升了图书管理的质量,又明确了图书管理内容,很大程度上提升了图书管理的效率和效益。因此,本文通过对信息技术进行研究,探讨其对图书管理工作的积极影响。  【关键词】信息技术 图书管理 工作影响  传统的图书管理工作不仅复杂而且繁琐,导致图书馆的发展呈现落后和
【摘 要】自主课堂指导学生学习文言文可以教给翻译方法,熟读圈注背诵积累,抓文本激趣,自结自测,拓展提升。  【关键词】方法 熟读 激趣 整理 拓展  学生要想达到“借助工具书阅读浅易文言文”的要求,教师就必须还学生学习的主动权,放手让学生在自读自悟中感知文言文的美,让他们自然而然地步入诗文的意境,最终达到积累祖国语言,提高审美情趣的目的。要想做到这一点,我们可以从以下几个方面进行指导:  一、教给
【摘 要】创新是人类文明不断前进发展的一个重要核心因素。培养创新人才是我国现行教育的主要目标,在小学语文创新教育实践中,只有不断培养学生创新精神,帮助他们建立最佳智能结构,才能适应不断发展变化着的社会的新要求。在小学语文教学实践中培养学生的创造性思维。才能达到创新教育的目的。  【关键词】创新 创新能力 创造性思维 语文教学  一、更新观念,强化主体意识  小学语文教学要创新,首先要更新观念。 传
【摘 要】探究式教学是课程改革的热点。本文结合农村地区学校自身特点,立足个人数学应用题教育教学经验,提出一系列探究式教学原则的思考,并立足当下实际情况,对农村地区如何更好实施探究式教学进行展望。  【关键词】探究式教学 农村学校 数学应用题  我国新近实施的课程标准中明确指出“要改变课程实施中过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的
【摘 要】多媒体技术的迅速发展,促进了Web图像检索技术的创新和发展。针对目前的发展状况,本文对Web图像检索技术做了深入的分析和研究,包括基于文本检索、基于内容检索、语义检索以及个性化Web图像检索,并详细介绍了这4种流行图像检索技术的技术特点,最后指出了Web图像检索技术的发展趋势和研究方向。  【关键词】基于文本图像检索 基于内容的图像检索 基于语义检索 个性化Web图像检索  一、引言  
【摘 要】随着信息科技的发展,越来越多的人们因为工作、旅游等出行时往往需要携带各种电子设备,但是怎样保持设备正常使用,还能储存数据并且方便的携带呢。为了解决这个问题,本文设计了由充电电池、u盘PC板、蓝牙模块、主控芯片、USB和LED等构成多功能的充电宝。该充电宝可以随时随地的为电子设备充电,并且自带储存功能通过蓝牙或者数据线传输数据,能够很好地满足消费者对产品多功能和方便携带的需求。  【关键词