脑瘫是指出生前到出生后1个月内各种原因所引起的脑损伤或发育缺陷所致的运动障碍及姿势异常。小儿脑瘫临床上分为痉挛型,不随意运动型,共济失调型,肌张力低下型及混合型5种,其中,痉挛型占60%~70%,是造成儿童肢体残疾的最主要脑瘫类型。脑瘫一旦确诊多采用综合的治疗方法包括功能训练,物理疗法,中医针刺,按摩,药物治疗等。近年来,临床上开始广泛使用毒杆菌毒素A(botulinum toxin A,BTX-A)局部注射治疗痉挛型脑瘫儿童,大量临床研究结果显示该药安全、有效,但在治疗过程中应该严格掌握使用该药的适应证,禁忌证,而剂量的选择和靶肌的准确定位是影响治疗效果的关键因素。
Cerebral palsy refers to the movement disorder and postural abnormalities caused by brain damage or developmental defects caused by various reasons from birth to birth within 1 month. Pediatric cerebral palsy clinically divided into spastic, involuntary exercise, ataxia, hypotonia and mixed type 5, of which spastic 60% to 70%, is the most important type of cerebral palsy children with physical disabilities . Once the diagnosis of cerebral palsy more comprehensive treatment methods include functional training, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, medication and so on. In recent years, clinical use of BTX-A injection has been widely used clinically in children with spastic cerebral palsy. A large number of clinical studies have shown that the drug is safe and effective, but should be strictly used in the treatment process Drug indications, contraindications, and the choice of dose and accurate positioning of the target muscle is a key factor affecting the therapeutic effect.