12年前,中国科学院的钱天白教授发出首封电子邮件“越过长城,走向世界”,揭开中国内地使用Internet 的序幕。12年后的今天,上百万人次通过“国庆50周年网站”(http://www.prc50.gov.cn)观看了网上首次直播的国庆阅兵盛典。一些国内著名 ISP(Internet ServiceProvider 互联网服务提供商)和各大新闻媒体也不失时机地推出国庆主题网站和专题栏目,互联网已开始渗透到中国人的日常生活甚至政治生活之中。在这十余年间的演进过程中,ISP堪称功不可没,而ISP 本身的内涵也在不断发生变化。
Twelve years ago, Professor Qian Tianye from the Chinese Academy of Sciences sent out the first e-mail, “Crossing the Great Wall, Going Global,” and unveiled the prelude to using the Internet in mainland China. Twelve years later, millions of people watched the live online first-nation National Day military parade through the website “50th Anniversary of the National Day” (http://www.prc50.gov.cn). Some domestic well-known ISPs (Internet Service Provider Internet service providers) and major news media have also seized the opportunity to launch the national day theme websites and special columns. The Internet has begun to infiltrate the Chinese daily life and even political life. In this more than ten years of evolution, the ISP is dominating, and the connotation of ISP itself is also constantly changing.