哈尔滨城市冰雪景观的发展刘柏哲哈尔滨松北区规划局局长哈尔滨的冰雪景观达到今天的水平.经历了漫长而复杂的发展过程。冰雪景观艺术在1963年兴起.到2002年历时近半个世纪.冰雪景观发展的历程大致可以划分为以下几个阶段: 1963年前的初始阶段.即民俗实用阶段。在哈尔滨市举办冰灯游园会以前.冰雪景观在民间有了初始的发展。我国古代寒地人们用水作原科.用桶.盆等器皿.将水冻成空心的冰罩.在里面点燃蜡烛.以防被风吹熄.这时的冰罩灯还只是一种生产辅助工具。此外.堆雪人、塑雪狮等雪塑冰雕在民间都有广泛流传.在冰雪景观初始发展阶段.精雕细刻的艺术品只在少数权贯阶层家庭中.作为闲情雅致.以极小的规模存在着。这一阶段冰雪景观艺术的各种活动对城市的影响较弱.还不能成为与城市发生紧密关系的事件。
The development of urban ice and snow landscape in Harbin Liu Baizhe Director of Harbin Songbei District Planning Bureau Harbin’s ice and snow landscape reached today’s level. Experienced a long and complicated development process. Ice landscape art emerged in 1963. It lasted nearly half a century until 2002. The development of the snow landscape can be roughly divided into the following stages: The initial stage before 1963. That is, the folk practice stage. Before the ice lantern garden party held in Harbin. The snow and ice landscape has had its initial development in the civil society. People in ancient China cold water for the original branch. With a bucket. Pots and other containers. The water is frozen into a hollow ice cover. Lighting the candle inside. In case of being blown out by the wind. The ice-cover lamp at this time is still only a production aid. In addition. Snowmen, plastic snow lions and other snow-plastic ice sculptures are widespread in the public. In the initial development stage of the snow landscape. The carved works of art are only found in a small number of families. As a leisurely and elegant. Exist on a very small scale. The various activities of ice and snow landscape art at this stage have a weaker impact on the city. It cannot be an event that has a close relationship with the city.