川教版新课程标准历史实验教科书 ,悄然走向大江南北全国各地 ,着实给了历史教育界一个不大不小的惊喜 ,人们于是不禁感慨系之———可不能再用偏安一隅的老眼光看待川教版了 !川教版 ,还有岳麓版 ,继北师大版、华东师大版、人教版之后 ,以崭新的姿态加入历史新课程实验的行列 ,无疑是颇值得欣慰的历史课改盛事。就说川教版吧 ,尽管与其他版本一样 ,正在成长的她 ,不足之处或许难免 ,但是认识她的人 ,可能都会有一种很特别的感觉———原来她的确有些特别 ,她的课程理念、她的内容选择、她的编写体例、她的图片配置……。川教版究竟如何 ,还是让最有发言权的读者 (使用者 )去评说吧。顺便提及 ,课改绝非课程专家 (包括课标制订者、教科书编者和教育研究者 )的事 ,决定课改成效的关键 ,其实是广大教师在多大程度上理解和支持了课改 ,课改本身的当务之急 ,正是如何帮助教师理解自己所期待的教育改进 ,并愿意对此作出承担。而本刊要做的 ,恰恰是对这种承担的分担 ,毋宁说这是一种更神圣的承担。同仁们 ,让我们同舟共济 !
Chuan Jiaoban’s new curriculum standard history experiment textbooks, quietly moving to all parts of the country across the country, truly gave the history education community a modest surprise. People can not help but feel sorry for the fact that they can no longer look at the Sichuan P The Sichuan Education Edition and the Yuelu Edition, following the Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, and the People’s Education Edition, have joined the history of the new curriculum experiment with a brand new attitude. This is undoubtedly a gratifying historical lesson change event. Let’s say Chuan Jiaoban, although it may be inevitable that she is growing up like other versions. The person who knows her may have a very special feeling. She has something special about her. Idea, her content selection, her style, her picture configuration... How about the Sichuan Education Press? Or let the readers (users) who have the most say to comment on it. By the way, curriculum reform is by no means the subject of curriculum experts (including curriculum makers, textbook editors, and education researchers). The key to determining the effectiveness of curriculum reform is actually the extent to which teachers have understood and supported curriculum reforms and classes. The immediate task of reforming itself is precisely how to help teachers understand the educational improvements they are looking for, and they are willing to make commitments. What the journal has to do is precisely the sharing of this commitment. Rather, it is a more sacred commitment. My colleagues, let us help each other!