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  Not many wine consumers are aware that Uruguay is a wine producing country. In fact, it is the fourth largest wine producer in South America. Although its production is only around 4% of the entire continent, it is impressive when you consider how small Uruguay is comparing to its neighbours Argentina and Brazil.
  在这样的历史和背景下,我相信乌拉圭葡萄酒一定有相应的质量标准,我也很渴望试试看嘉颂酒庄(Bodega Garzón)的葡萄酒。酒庄总经理克里斯蒂安·怀利近日来到城中推介巴拉斯托系列最新的2017年份葡萄酒。巴拉斯托(Balasto)是嘉颂酒庄的旗舰酒款,我们对该系列2015、2016以及2017年份做了一场垂直品鉴会。
  酿酒从来都是充满挑战的。克里斯蒂安说:到目前为止最大的问题就是熟练劳动力短缺。距离嘉颂酒庄最近的是海滨城市埃斯特角(Punta del Este),拉巴拉(La Barra)和何塞伊格纳西奥(Jose Ignacio),这几个地方的人们很少有耕作土地的经验。第二大问题是降雨,这里比波尔多每年1400毫米的降雨量还多200毫米。尽管如此,他们还是通过在合适的地方种植葡萄,以及进行适当的树冠管理来克服了这些问题。
  Uruguay may be a small country with some 3.5 million people, the majority is descendants from the European immigrants in the 19th century who brought with them grape varieties. Not surprisingly, most Uruguayan wine is consumed in domestic market, and as a matter of fact, they consumed the most wine per capita outside Europe!
  With such history and background, I believe Uruguayan wine must achieve a certain quality standard and was eager to try Garzón wine. The winery’s managing director, Christian Wylie was in town recently to introduce the latest Balasto vintage 2017. Balasto is Garzón’s flagship wine and we were treated a vertical tasting of all its vintages: 2015, 2016 and 2017.
  Balasto means granitic soil in Spanish. The granite at Garzón, the oldest in the world, eroded through millions of years of geological process to become ballast soil that provides excellent drainage and minerals to the vines that grow on it. Alberto Antonini, Garzón winemaking consultant, said the soil gives wine energy and tension. The location, at 160m above sea level and only 18 km from the Atlantic coast, is blessed by the Atlantic breeze that cools down the day time temperature allowing the grapes to ripen slowly to develop the flavours and retain natural acidity. The vineyard is made up from more than 1,000 blocks that are picked and vinified separately to maintain their own identity.   Winemaking is never without challenges. Christian said the biggest one by far is the shortage of skilled labour. Closest to Garzón are seaside towns Punta del Este, La Barra and Jose Ignacio where people have little experience in working with land. The second one is rainfall, which is 200mm more than Bordeaux at 1,400mm per year. Even so, they overcome them by planting varieties in the right places and with suitable canopy management.
  The philosophy of winemaking at Garzón is to let the wine speaks. Christian said there are 5 Nos: No chemicals in vineyards; No overripe grapes; No over-extraction at winery; No over-oak of wine; and No overwinemaking. The winery uses concrete tank, big barrels and casks with no toast to make sure the sense of place is not hidden.
  Balasto is a blend of Tannat (40-50%), Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot and Marselan. The 2015 and 2016 have slightly different ratio while the 2017 vintage replaced Petit Verdot with Merlot. The maiden vintage was launched in Bordeaux, London and Vinexpo in 2017 with much fanfare and approval from international wine critics. All three vintages have their own merits and we were asked to pick our favourites. I prefer the 2016 vintage which is fresh and has a nice structure but Christian surprised us by picking 2018 which is not even blended yet! He said the individual component is just amazing. Well, we have to wait until next year to give the verdict.
  In addition to Balasto, Garzón also makes a wide range of wine from sparkling to white and rosé to red and even late harvest. The wines are available from EMW Fine Wines.
你喝过火山葡萄酒么?火山除了对大自然的破坏和危险,也会带来好处,譬如在火山土壤种的葡萄,可以酿成别树一帜的酒。本文将探讨一些受火山土壤影响的葡萄园,和大家分享下在火山上的葡萄是怎样种的,火山葡萄酒又是怎样的,和普通葡萄酒有什么区别。  Have you tried volcanic wines? Not only Volcano brings bad to the nature but also
有些作品,注定要经历漫长的沉寂才家喻户晓;有些珍宝,注定要尘封多年历经风雨才能不朽。如莎翁的诗文,梵高的画作,而单一麦芽威士忌亦是如此。  Some thing are destined to experience a long period of silence before becoming famous. Such as Shakespeare’s poems, Van Gogh’s pai
2020年4月8日零时零分,武汉解封!  历经76个日夜,英雄的武汉人民为全国的疫情防控工作贡献巨大。非必要出行的停止,餐饮业的关门,对于身处湖北的酒商们造成的冲击尤甚。在这座城市解封的当天,我们在本刊微信公众号(wine _ mag)上刊登了一篇独家采访,深入了解武汉酒商在这76天的封城里生活、心态上的种种变化。  有人计划新开的酒吧被迫暂停,有人从银行贷款为员工发工资,有人通过外卖业务艰难求存
四月春意闹,随着国内疫情基本得到控制,我们也看到了酒业的种种恢复迹象。尽管情况尚未乐观,但中国酒业一直在积极面对。这一期专题,我们为读者总结分析疫情给酒业所带来的种种影响,此外通过业内大咖的观点,为酒业的恢复出谋划策。  When spring comes, with the epidemic situation generally under control, we have also seen
随着法国对疫情而实施封锁政策,波尔多这座闻名全球的葡萄酒城市也被按下了暂停键,曾经喧嚣的城市转入静谧。回忆起多年前到波尔多的几次参观,这一产区在我学酒的路途上有着很深的意义。这一特殊时期下,很想跟读者们分享这份感悟。  It’s the first time Bordeaux en primeur week shutdown since the second world war. This cit
相比欧洲航线而言,从中国飞到澳大利亚真的好受多了。晚上在国内吃顿美味的中餐再上飞机,8个小时过后,就可以坐在悉尼的街头晒着阳光吃个Brunch了。第一次踏上南半球的土地,老实说心里是掩不住的兴奋与期待,樱桃、袋熊、葡萄酒……我来啦!  Compared with the European airlines, it’s much better to fly from China to Austral
在阿根廷有这么一群人,他们只研究一个最好的产区,一个最合适的葡萄品种。酿酒大师们在门多萨专业挖土20年,就像蚂蚁般,深入地底,最终挖掘出宝藏。就是今天要介绍的其中一个佼佼者—金蚂蚁酒庄。  Wine from Mendoza is more than just 马尔贝克: it is the reflection of a know-how, a tradition and an origin.
广州的老话说得好:东山的少爷,西关的小姐。要想寻找老广州的痕迹,东山口和荔湾可是不能错过的两个老城区。东山口的庙前西街,看似是一条寻常的老街道,但实际上却大有千秋。顺着这条路走下去,藏匿于暗门背后的庙前冰室里正在上演一场精彩的爵士乐表演,神奇的发酵正在沫茗研究所的玻璃罐里悄悄发生,Charlie’s Café穿着白色衬衫的调酒师正拿起雪克壶准备调制一杯花好月圆。你,准备好了吗?  The old
今年光5月,我们就收到4份来自西班牙不同产区之行的邀请,真的只恨自己分身乏术。但一开年,各大西班牙产区的品鉴会、大师班等各类活动就一站接着一站,开始陆续相继联动起来,加上酒商举办的各大名庄晚宴,仿佛有种西班牙葡萄酒在集中发力的势头,不由得感慨:“今年西班牙精品酒,似乎有点儿来势汹汹呀!”  这也难怪,西班牙本就好酒辈出,作为葡萄种植面积全球第一的国家,它的葡萄酒产量也是穩坐全球三大的地位。但过去,