零下5℃,窗外飘着小雪。披上大衣,穿上雪靴,赶到月台,等待着那辆来自20世纪30年代穿梭于美国纽约曼哈顿的Special号列车,开启一段时空之旅。玩转复古列车复古列车活动时间12月的周日,10点到17点。列车停靠车站Queens Plaza、Court Sq-23 St、Lexington Av/53 St、5Av/53 St、47-50 Sts/Rockefeller Center、42 St Bryant Park、34St Herald Sq、23 St(6Av)14 St(6 Av)、W 4St Wash Sq、B’wayLafayette St、2 Av
Minus 5 ℃, the window floating snow. Put on a coat, put on snowshoes, rushed to the platform, waiting for the shuttle from the 1930s to the New York Manhattan Special Train to start a journey of time and space. Play retro train retro train event time on Sunday in December, 10:00 to 17:00. The train stops at Queens Plaza, Court Sq-23 St, Lexington Av / 53 St, 5Av / 53 St, 47-50 Sts / Rockefeller Center, 42 St Bryant Park, 34St Herald Sq, 23 St (6Av) 14 St ), W 4St Wash Sq, B’way Lafayette St, 2 Av