HISTORY ENGRAVED ON THE STONES-Tubo Stone Inscription in Lhodrak——The 2~(nd) Record of Archeological

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Lhodrak Town is a small town on the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR) in China.This is a peaceful and beautiful town stretching from east to west along the Lhodrak River between a mountain and the river.The Xungqu River of Lhodrak runs day and night from the town to the distant border.The end of the downtown of the county seems to be the end of the access.Nevertheless,a single road suddenly appears before you,zigzagging to the village and surrounded by rich forest.In the morning when the fog is still lying on the land,we have Lhodrak Town is a small town on the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR) in China.This is a peaceful and beautiful town stretching from east to west along the Lhodrak River between a mountain and the river.The Xungqu River of Lhodrak runs day And night from the town to the distant border.The end of the downtown of the county seems to be the end of the access.Nevertheless,a single road can start appearing before you,zigzagging to the village and surrounded by rich forest.In the morning When the fog is still lying on the land, we have
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